Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yesterday I went for a walk around the lake again. It was the first time this spring. What a beautiful day! It was windy and I held Jesse's hand to make sure he didn't blow into the river.... I was teasing him about flying him like a kite. He thought that was funny.
We met my mom and dad there and Elizabeth walked slowly with grandma and Jesse and I walked with grandpa. Ethan took his roller blades and took off... He went around about 3 times.

I didn't notice too much exciting wildlife except a group of birds... my dad said they were Coots. They swim in the water like ducks but they are not ducks. They were acting more like chickens and scratching in the grass. I don't think I have ever seen them before yesterday.

The other thing that I was thankful for were the daffodils coming up!! They were all around the north side of the lake path. I am soooo ready for spring.

We went to Elizabeth's Keepers of the Home group yesterday, in the morning. They learned all about birds and bird feeders. We melted beef fat into suet and all the girls got to take home different kinds of bird seed.

Next month is my turn to hostess and I am going to be doing Sign Language. I took some signing classes in junior high school and also went out with a deaf guy for a while. Oh yeah, and I learned a few things on Sesame street too. :) I don't remember a whole lot of signs but remember some of the important ones; letters, numbers, and few others.....

I went to see my grandpa yesterday and he didn't talk at all. It was very sad. He was slumped over in his wheelchair and slept most of the time. They had taken him to the activity room and they had a program with some guy that came and sang old songs to all the people. Lots of big band and 40's songs. I remembered some of them.... like Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree and Glenn Miller band, Yankee Doodle Dandy, etc. He played a song that my grandparent's used to sing to me... Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll. Let me put my arms about you, I don't want to live without you.... He woke up for just a minute and looked around when I said, Grandpa, You're supposed to be singing this to me.... I can't figure out if he is just giving up or what.


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