Thursday, April 03, 2008

Edgey took Elizabeth out for breakfast this morning for her birthday. They had coffee and bagels. Then she came back and opened her birthday presents. I got her a mini american girl doll and book set and an american girl paperdoll/magnetic doll set. She has been asking for them for a long time. She was very excited and playing with them until I made her do school.
I am so mean. Not even a day off for her birthday. :)
Today is her last 2 pages of her 2nd grade reading book and workbooks and she will be on to the 3rd grade. She is happy about that too. I can't decide whether to keep her going on the same series or let her read some other books and let Jesse catch up to her. He is on the 1st second grade book. He keeps taunting her, "I'm catching up with you."
I think she might enjoy some other things like the American Girls series, Little House series and maybe some other history books. I might enjoy some other things too.... I haven't gotten to do much girl stuff yet.


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