Monday, April 14, 2008

What a weekend. It was very busy at work. I was an hour and 1/2 late getting out of work last night. After work I had to go pick up Jesse from Aunties. Edgey had taken Elizabeth and Ethan to the Superchick concert in Earlham. It was part of Elizabeth's birthday present. She loved it. She knows most of their songs. KJ52 was there and a couple of other bands too.

I rented Waterhorse last night too. I was so wound up from work that I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep so I watched it. It was a cute movie. Edgey will be watching it with the kids tonight.

My kids are squirrelly today and I am about ready to pull out my hair. It is too early in the a.m. for this! They are whining about not having pencil lead and not wanting to use a regular pencil. Where did that come from??? I think that is called spoiled brat and unthankful..... hmmmm
They only want to play with the dogs and not do schoolwork.....

Ethan keeps whistling and Jesse keeps making mouth noises.... boys

God, I need some help here.


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