The two younger kids got up early so they could get school done quickly and play their game again. They played it for 4 hours yesterday before I made them stop. They had a blast. Today I stopped it at 2 hours. I give them an hour apiece and since they are playing doubles, they played for the 2 full hours.
Ethan had a hard time waking up this a.m. I tried to get him up to do his schoolwork so it wouldn't drag out. I had a "nursing home care planning conference" this morning with my mom and nursing home and Mary (grandpa's live in). They call her Mrs. Smith. They never got married. Why do I have such a hard time with that?
Anyway, he is not making any more rehabilitation progress and they say he has reached a plateau. So medicare quit paying and he has to move into the locked alzheimers side of the building.... we took a tour and they all looked like a bunch of discarded old people. The kind that are sitting, staring and drooling. It, once again, was sad. I just can't see him with those people and getting better or thriving. Whatever God. Once again, not my choice, but I am not in charge of the plans.
The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord.
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