Edgey's dad is here visiting this week. He has some type of government training for his job and it is here in Des Moines. So Edgey and the kids have been enjoying him all weekend and he will probably be here for most of the work week.
Last night I went to go get buns for hamburgers.... his dad wanted to grill.... and I went to get in the van. Everything has been melting so my driveway is pretty muddy except for the edges. Luckily where I had to walk wasn't muddy, but unluckily, I slipped and fell on the ice that hadn't melted. It was one of those slow motion deals.. I had my left hand on the door handle and was hanging on to that when I fell. I landed on the edge of the railroad tie..... right between my spine and right hip, like where your right kidney would be. Oh boy!! I thought I was going to die.
I ran my errand after wiping the mud off my backside, then when I got home, I had Edgey put some of my "pain-away" and "chiropractor in a bottle" oils. I thought it would help with muscle soreness and pain. It did really help! I was surprised a little I guess. What actually was hurting this a.m. was what he didn't put the oils on. The front of my right upper leg... some muscle got pulled and back of my right calf... more muscle pulled... and a spot behind my right elbow and on my left hand where I was holding the stupid door handle. :(
Well, I just thank God I didn't hurt myself worse. I almost hit my head... I could have been laying there with a concussion and a broken back and no one probably would have found me until I froze.
After supper, I went to a homeschool meeting... They had a special speaker there called Steve Deace. I guess he has a talk show on WHO radio. His little lecture was really great! It was about Worldviews. Some of the things he talked about:
- Ideas Have Consequences
- What you think about all day long and the way you think about it is what you will become...
- Your faith is the foundation of your belief system. Your beliefs form your thoughts, actions, emotions and behaviors.
- Rather than teach our children to behave right, we must teach them to believe right. When our actions don't line up with our beliefs... the kids rebel.
Kind of like - do what I say, don't do what I do. Or a father that goes to church or preaches on the weekend but comes home from work during the week and immediately goes and sits in a lazyboy with a remote and pays no attention to his kids or wife. It goes against everything the bible teaches.
He gave a lot of statistics... they were pretty scary.
25% of "Christians" do not believe in a physical resurrection
52% believe the Holy Spirit is just a metaphor and not real
As he went on, it just got worse and worse.
So what was the important point?
We need to teach our kids:
What do others believe and why do they believe it?
What do we believe and why do we believe it?
and What do others believe about what we believe in?
Otherwise they will end up another statistic.
I was very challenged.