Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Well, I'll have you all know, that my computer somehow miraculously saved most of my homework. When I tried to pull it up, it had saved everything but the last 2 sentences I had been working on. So PRAISE THE LORD!!! And appreciate all your gracious thoughts toward me and my PC.
I supposed someday I will venture into Big Mac land.... but for now, this is what I am stuck with.

The other problem had nothing to do with MY computer.... it was their server.

I went to class tonight. They had me signed up to do praise & worship next week, but the lady that was supposed to do it, wasn't there..... so I got to do it tonight instead. Had to learn a song super fast. Luckily it was pretty basic.

Tomorrow, I have to take my grandpa to his Dr. appointment. That takes all afternoon. He does everything slow. I am lucky if he is dressed by the time I get to his house. It really wears him out. He has a pacemaker/defibrillator and is on 20 different medications because of his heart and blood pressure. The thing that gets me, is he eats crap.... like giant white muffins and sugar cereal for breakfast, fried foods for lunch. He used to eat pretty decent. Maybe he just doesn't care anymore. We went out for fish a couple of weeks ago and he had fried fish with french fries at a "nice" restaurant.
I know he would feel better if he would just eat decent....

Tonight after class, I ran to the grocery store. Trying to figure out what I am going to make for the next few days. My schedule is getting horrible. I hate it when it gets like that. Something practically everyday... I may have to start saying no again.
I did have fun last Friday. My daughter had a playdate with another little girl her age. Jesse played with the little brother who is only a little younger than him. They totally had a blast and I was so glad, because Elizabeth has been begging for some girlfriends. I got to hang out with their mom and was actually elated because we have a lot in common too. It was pretty great... we use most of the same curriculum and she had ideas and I got to share some ideas too. She likes coffee! That was a plus. We ended up there for almost 6 hours. Not intentionally but the kids begged to keep playing and wanted to have supper together.... so we let them. Her husband cooked pancakes and eggs for supper. What a guy!! He even did dishes afterwards. I was pretty impressed. Hopefully we can develop that relationship a little more and I hope I didn't wear out the welcome there already.

Thursday I have another homeschool meeting. We get to talk about a chapter from the Charlotte Mason book on "bickering siblings" and "The Will". I hope to get some ideas from that topic. I'm sure it won't be boring. I already looked up a bit of info on the internet and had to laugh at this...

Special Delivery. Tie them together. Yes, I'm serious. This is a common
event in our home. Fuss too much and get tied together. I tell them they can
untie themselves anytime they want. All they have to do is wait until I hear
genuine laughter, see sparkles in their eyes, and love and forgiveness
controlling their actions.

We actually did this the other day with Elizabeth and Jesse because they were arguing about who was going to sit by dad at the dinner table. Give me a break. They didn't get tied together but they did have to hold hands and eat until they could be nice. It was kind of funny seeing Jesse try to eat with his non-dominant hand.


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