Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I stayed up too late last night so this morning I only caught the last 5 minutes of Joyce on TV. Then I was mad... I fell asleep again and woke up to John Hagee.... yelling Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! and clapping his hands together really loud. I figured I better get up. Then Elizabeth came running in the bedroom and said that Buddy peed on my red chair. Then I was mad again. Buddy has had a problem the last 2 days with going in the house. No problem up until now. What's up with that!?? He peed on a sack of Jesse's toys. Then later he peed on another plastic sack of Elizabeth's toys. They carry their toys around in plastic bags during the day. I don't know why. The kids were totally grossed out. LOL I told them, maybe they should keep them picked up off the floor and then he wouldn't pee on them. So then there's nothing on the floor.... he goes for my red chair..... grrrrr. So I made the kids take their little hind ends out into the freezing cold every couple of hours today. They weren't too happy about that - kids or dogs.
So that is how my morning started.

I had my first bible college class of this term tonight. It was mostly introductions to the classes. I am taking Intro to Prophets and Hebrews: The Better Covenant. They are both taught by my favorite teachers. Yay! Sometimes the teacher can make the class, if you know what I mean.
I am afraid I will have a LOT of homework. Not looking hugely forward to that but I do enjoy digging into the Word...
Just like that song Bill and I have started singing: The more I seek you, the more I find you. The more I find you, the more I love you.

The instructor asked me to sing tonight too. I was having a hard time finding a song that wasn't too high... at the moment, for some reason, my voice is in low mode. It makes higher songs difficult to sing. Anyway I picked something I hadn't sang for years and years. It turned out to be the perfect song.... went right along with our class and also the praise and worship immediately prior to my song. It just flowed. It was a God thing. I was thankful. It's cool when that stuff happens because you know that God is orchestrating it.

I hate eating before I have to sing because it makes crud in my throat. I usually do not have supper on Wed nights or Sunday mornings if I sing. I did not eat anything for supper tonight either. I was very hungry after class. I went to Taco Johns to get cheap 69 cent tacos and, since I am trying to behave, a cup of pinto beans. Well the guy at the drive through screwed up my order on the computer and had to redo it. I sat in the parking lot and ate a taco and 1/2 the beans and realized I got jipped out of the 2nd taco. So I went back through drive through... and told them what happened. It was the same guy again. They were getting ready to close. He apologized then proceeded to get me 2 more tacos and a potato ole with cheese sauce and even asked me if I wanted a coke.... I stuck with my water but I was blessed. It was too much to eat so I shared with Edgey when I got home. I asked God how I was supposed lose weight and eat potato oles too? It was His fault. :)


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