Friday, January 11, 2008


Edgey's dad was here for a few days this week. On Tues night, we went to his hotel to go swimming again. I actually went and sat in the hot tub. It felt good after wracking my body on the railroad tie. I am really feeling pretty good... maybe a little stiff but not in pain.

Having a hard time sleeping the last couple of nights again. Did some bible study stuff and watched National Treasure DVD. I wanted to watch it in case I go see the second one in the theatre. It looks really good and I have been wanting to go. I also watched the comedy video BANANAS 2. I needed a good laugh. On our homeschool loop we have been passing around some funny stuff. I put out a list of things men shouldn't say to their pregnant wives in the last week of pregnancy.

Top 10 Things Not to Say to Your Wife in the Last Week of Pregnancy
1. Honey, I don't mean to alarm you, but have you ever read about anyone actually popping from being so big?
2. Hey Babe, is it OK that I invited some of the guys from work over to see how big you are? They won’t believe me.
3. Honey, come in here and see this horse giving birth on TV. Oh, man that looks like that’s gotta hurt.
4. I challenge you in a touch your toes contest.
5. Honey, I was just straightening up the bedroom…can you tell me if this is a fitted sheet or a pair of your underwear?
6. You're dreading labor?! Do you know how sore my feet get from standing beside you that whole time?
7. Boy it would be really nice if you went a week or two late so I could watch the six-part mini-series on PBS.
8. No, I couldn’t eat another bite honey. I ate so much I feel…like you.
9. Why don’t you go take a nice, relaxing, hot bath? But don’t put much water in the tub because it’ll overflow when you get in.
10. No, you don’t look huge. “Huge” is such a harsh word…I prefer the term “healthy.”

That started a big thread of comedy. A lot of Youtube videos from christian comedians. I'll put some links here. If you can get them, watch them! Hilarious. - Tim Hawkins on marriage - Anita Renfroe Don't Breathe - this one is Anita Renfroe doing the mom song

Last night I watched, on the computer, the clip from Thursday's Joyce Meyer show. B kept talking about how funny it was. My slow telephone line wouldn't allow me to see all of the actions, but it was very funny. At least I knew what she supposed to be doing.... throwing herself on the floor and kicking around.

Laughter is good medicine!
Prov 17:22 A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.


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