Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Re: Gossip - Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

I went and got an estimate on the van door. Sounds like it may be around $1200 or more. I don't think I'm going to get any money out of this guy so I will be turning it into the insurance company shortly. I wonder if they will pay for a rental while I am getting it fixed?

Anyway, life has been wierd since the camping deal. Elizabeth was sick and ended up with a sore throat that had horrible white puss pockets on them. Shortly after Ethan had it. I finally took them to the Dr. and Ethan had Strep. Yippeee...... got antibiotics for them. 2 days later, I get a sore throat and decide to go the Dr. and get an antibiotic too. Last thing I need is strep throat to give to my patients... :( They said my swab was negative. Made it through the weekend and was totally wiped out on Monday and pretty much yesterday also. I have been sleeping soooo much I can't believe it. It is so not like me. I am always up and on the computer and doing stuff. I can hardly make myself go to the store or anything I normally "like" to do. Jesse now has it.... he spent a couple of days throwing up and being tired.

He had his 8th birthday on Monday. We couldn't have a party for him because he was sick. Poor kid. We had to cancel his movie party and will have to reschedule for some other day.

It has also been quite the change to have a baby in the house again.... not that I don't enjoy it, because I do, but I forgot what all the crying is about. This one screams too - like a girl. She is just so darn cute. I think it will be sad when she goes because the kids have something else to play with besides the PS2. Jesse pretty much ignores her unless she is crying and then he keeps asking me, "Why do babies cry mom? It's irritating!" LOL
Elizabeth likes to play with her and Ethan likes to hold her and walk with her. He will be a good dad some day.


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