Monday, October 30, 2006
'Tis the season - The wind is totally howling very loudly and sounds just like it is supposed to for this time of the year.
I thought I would share with you one of my very favorite interactive websites. You really do have to check this one out. :)
trick or treat
I am too tired to write much today. I was run ragged over the weekend and have not done much but sit in my chair and be a vegetable again. The kids had to bring their school work out in the living room for me. Pathetic. Oh well.
I thought I would share with you one of my very favorite interactive websites. You really do have to check this one out. :)
trick or treat
I am too tired to write much today. I was run ragged over the weekend and have not done much but sit in my chair and be a vegetable again. The kids had to bring their school work out in the living room for me. Pathetic. Oh well.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I finally got to meet Mary Lynn in real life! I was so excited.... She is real and alive and I could even give her a hug. Yay! Unfortunately, we only got to chat for about 1/2 hour which totally seemed like 5 minutes max. Oh well, some day maybe I will get to go to Michigan and hang out with her.
I worked all weekend. This weekend was actually pretty good too. We weren't crazy busy and it was just kind of steady so it wasn't totally boring. Since all my other coworkers' birthday's were this past week, we had a ton of chocolate available all weekend. That is always a good thing. I took a birthday cake. One of them brought birthday cake. Another one brought a birthday ice cream cake. There was leftover chocolate cheesecake from some big shindig in the NICU. There was also homemade carrot cake and dark chocolate truffles and chips & salsa. It was like a party weekend. I also figured out how to get Life 107.1 online on the work computer so we had music to listen to.
This weekend I worked in the triage area, which filters out where people go - either home, to labor and delivery or to the antepartum side....... EVERYONE that came in this weekend thought their water was broke. Ok, well one person had pain in her side. Of all the ones that thought their water broke, only 2 went home because they were wrong. It must have had something to do with the barometric pressure again. It was real dreary, rainy and yucky looking outside on Saturday. That was the busy day. On Sunday we only had a few people come in and it was a nice sunny day.
We also found out that the boss finally hired another nurse for the weekend day shift. Yay!
The heater guy still hasn't come yet..... it's kinda cold today. 43 degrees outside. Let's see what my room is... my thermometer in here says 62. That's with the stove and little plug in heater going in here. I am supposed to be having dinner guests this week. I hope he comes to fix it prior to that.
I guess if it was really necessary we could just go turn it on then turn it back off again later. That would mean running up and down stairs to the basement. We know it works... it just won't shut off.
Just so you all know..... the neighbors dog has been barking for 1 hour and 23 minutes straight. Well at least that is when I started timing it after I realized the dog was irritating me.
I worked all weekend. This weekend was actually pretty good too. We weren't crazy busy and it was just kind of steady so it wasn't totally boring. Since all my other coworkers' birthday's were this past week, we had a ton of chocolate available all weekend. That is always a good thing. I took a birthday cake. One of them brought birthday cake. Another one brought a birthday ice cream cake. There was leftover chocolate cheesecake from some big shindig in the NICU. There was also homemade carrot cake and dark chocolate truffles and chips & salsa. It was like a party weekend. I also figured out how to get Life 107.1 online on the work computer so we had music to listen to.
This weekend I worked in the triage area, which filters out where people go - either home, to labor and delivery or to the antepartum side....... EVERYONE that came in this weekend thought their water was broke. Ok, well one person had pain in her side. Of all the ones that thought their water broke, only 2 went home because they were wrong. It must have had something to do with the barometric pressure again. It was real dreary, rainy and yucky looking outside on Saturday. That was the busy day. On Sunday we only had a few people come in and it was a nice sunny day.
We also found out that the boss finally hired another nurse for the weekend day shift. Yay!
The heater guy still hasn't come yet..... it's kinda cold today. 43 degrees outside. Let's see what my room is... my thermometer in here says 62. That's with the stove and little plug in heater going in here. I am supposed to be having dinner guests this week. I hope he comes to fix it prior to that.
I guess if it was really necessary we could just go turn it on then turn it back off again later. That would mean running up and down stairs to the basement. We know it works... it just won't shut off.
Just so you all know..... the neighbors dog has been barking for 1 hour and 23 minutes straight. Well at least that is when I started timing it after I realized the dog was irritating me.
Friday, October 20, 2006
GAY = Good As You
I was reading another blog again and thinking about the topic of homosexuality. Just finishing up with the marriage seminar makes me think about this again.
Man an woman are created to be a complete image of God. When they are married, they enter into a blood covenant..... most people won't get taught this in church because people usually don't discuss sex in church. The blood covenant happens when the woman's hymen is broken with whomever - hopefully her husband.
Let's back up even further...... What is a covenant? A mutual consent or agreement of two people to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract, a compact. A compact made by passing between pieces of flesh. The union or the uniting of two parties in which all assets, debts, talents and liabilities belong to each other.
Cutting a blood covenant is giving oneself to the other. It assures the weaker to be protected by the stronger.
So - Man is the head as Christ is head of the church and the woman is the tail(body).
What does God see when he sees homosexuality? Genesis 2:21-24 shows us that God created the woman for the man. Satan has a counterfiet for everything God has created. When two men come together to have (yuck) anal sex, the tissue is torn and there is bleeding. Sorry but it's true. Or, when women come together using whatever to do whatever (don't wanna think about that really) there is a Satanic blood covenant created that causes them to be of one flesh.
So what does this look like spiritually? 2 men together = 2 heads and no body DEFORMED! and 2 women = 2 bodies and no head DEFORMED again. No wonder God sees it as an abomination.
Besides being gross- I will never forget the spiritual picture of homosexuality.
Man an woman are created to be a complete image of God. When they are married, they enter into a blood covenant..... most people won't get taught this in church because people usually don't discuss sex in church. The blood covenant happens when the woman's hymen is broken with whomever - hopefully her husband.
Let's back up even further...... What is a covenant? A mutual consent or agreement of two people to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract, a compact. A compact made by passing between pieces of flesh. The union or the uniting of two parties in which all assets, debts, talents and liabilities belong to each other.
Cutting a blood covenant is giving oneself to the other. It assures the weaker to be protected by the stronger.
So - Man is the head as Christ is head of the church and the woman is the tail(body).
What does God see when he sees homosexuality? Genesis 2:21-24 shows us that God created the woman for the man. Satan has a counterfiet for everything God has created. When two men come together to have (yuck) anal sex, the tissue is torn and there is bleeding. Sorry but it's true. Or, when women come together using whatever to do whatever (don't wanna think about that really) there is a Satanic blood covenant created that causes them to be of one flesh.
So what does this look like spiritually? 2 men together = 2 heads and no body DEFORMED! and 2 women = 2 bodies and no head DEFORMED again. No wonder God sees it as an abomination.
Besides being gross- I will never forget the spiritual picture of homosexuality.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Another Stingray Attack
Ok - It happened again.... A stingray jumped into the boat of an 81-year-old Florida man and stabbed him in the chest, leaving its long barb stuck in him, authorities said. He is still alive at this point but in critical condition. Doctors did surgery to remove the barb. At least they didn't yank it out like Croc Hunter.
That is just whacked! Why, all of a sudden, would these things become violent?
Anyway, I made bran/wheat muffins for breakfast this morning. I thought I would be Betty Crocker today, but I have given up for now. I have no idea what to make for lunch. It is cold in here (the heater guy still hasn't showed up) so I was thinking some kind of nice warm soup sounded good.
My children are very needy today so I must quit blogging already......
That is just whacked! Why, all of a sudden, would these things become violent?
Anyway, I made bran/wheat muffins for breakfast this morning. I thought I would be Betty Crocker today, but I have given up for now. I have no idea what to make for lunch. It is cold in here (the heater guy still hasn't showed up) so I was thinking some kind of nice warm soup sounded good.
My children are very needy today so I must quit blogging already......
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I went out with the gals from work last night. They are so funny sometimes. We talked a little bit about work but mostly laughed about it.
One of the gals is from England. She met her husband as a penpal. When she got over here they got married. They have been married for quite a long time now (probably around 8 or 9 years). Her husband is completely Catholic. Everything has been fine up until the last several months. I guess he opened his mouth about their marriage and the priest said that he could no longer take communion because he was not legally married "in the eyes of the Catholic church."
She is not Catholic so they go to a Lutheran church on Wednesday nights and she works with me on the weekends - every weekend - so he takes the kids to a Catholic church on Sundays. She takes communion at the Lutheran church as well as he can because the Lutheran Church doesn't have a problem with their marriage......
Anyway, he has been moping around all this time, back and forth to different priests, etc... because the "catholicness" is so engrained into him that he feels like he is worthless or something because he cannot take communion. He will not listen to anybody or anything except the priest.
So anyway she finally gave in and agreed to go get "remarried" in the Roman Catholic eyes so that he will quit moping around being miserable. This is quite the big deal.
What we were actually laughing about is that she decided if she has to get remarried, that she wants a new wedding ring too. Then she thought about since she is not legally married, then she will not have "premarital sex" either. I guess his eyes got kinda big when she mentioned that. She asked him when they were going to have the wedding "Sometime in March?"
I did have to laugh because it was too funny.
I had my Margerita Chicken Fajitas. They were sooooo good.
One of the gals is from England. She met her husband as a penpal. When she got over here they got married. They have been married for quite a long time now (probably around 8 or 9 years). Her husband is completely Catholic. Everything has been fine up until the last several months. I guess he opened his mouth about their marriage and the priest said that he could no longer take communion because he was not legally married "in the eyes of the Catholic church."
She is not Catholic so they go to a Lutheran church on Wednesday nights and she works with me on the weekends - every weekend - so he takes the kids to a Catholic church on Sundays. She takes communion at the Lutheran church as well as he can because the Lutheran Church doesn't have a problem with their marriage......
Anyway, he has been moping around all this time, back and forth to different priests, etc... because the "catholicness" is so engrained into him that he feels like he is worthless or something because he cannot take communion. He will not listen to anybody or anything except the priest.
So anyway she finally gave in and agreed to go get "remarried" in the Roman Catholic eyes so that he will quit moping around being miserable. This is quite the big deal.
What we were actually laughing about is that she decided if she has to get remarried, that she wants a new wedding ring too. Then she thought about since she is not legally married, then she will not have "premarital sex" either. I guess his eyes got kinda big when she mentioned that. She asked him when they were going to have the wedding "Sometime in March?"
I did have to laugh because it was too funny.
I had my Margerita Chicken Fajitas. They were sooooo good.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Well, Mr Edgey did not tell me his plans for last night, so he ran off to work some more and I had to make my children go to bed early so they could get up early today. They have to do double school today - and what is interesting is that since they expected it (because they were warned several times before bed), they have not had an attitude about it at all this a.m. They are working very hard on their schoolwork and actually are almost finished with their individual stuff. Now I will just have to work with them on their history and science together.... I guess I expected a fight this morning and I am pleasantly surprised.
I got to watch Joyce Meyer this morning. She was talking about how God works in our lives and how people want everything to happen quickly.... and how they don't understand what longsuffering is. They read over that too fast - longsuffering instead of how we should read it....
looooooooooooooooooooongsuffering. And that we skip over the suffering part too. We don't fast or give up things like we should in order to have a better relationship with Christ. To seek is an action-verb. Are we actively seeking the kingdom of heaven the way we search for a misplaced set of keys? Are we turning our lives upside down to find that one thing?
Anyway, it gave me something to think about. I do sacrifice to some extent, but is it really enough? Sometimes I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. Coming around the same mountain again.... you know? One step forward - two steps back - one step forward and on and on. Obedient one time - missed it the next. Kicking myself because I think I heard God, but wasn't sure; then come to find out I should have listened to what I thought I was hearing... am I alone on this? Why can't I hear it correctly everytime? Would've could've should've.... would it really make that much difference?
Just my thoughts for the morning. It probably makes no sense to anyone but me... I suppose I should go make us lunch.
I got to watch Joyce Meyer this morning. She was talking about how God works in our lives and how people want everything to happen quickly.... and how they don't understand what longsuffering is. They read over that too fast - longsuffering instead of how we should read it....
looooooooooooooooooooongsuffering. And that we skip over the suffering part too. We don't fast or give up things like we should in order to have a better relationship with Christ. To seek is an action-verb. Are we actively seeking the kingdom of heaven the way we search for a misplaced set of keys? Are we turning our lives upside down to find that one thing?
Anyway, it gave me something to think about. I do sacrifice to some extent, but is it really enough? Sometimes I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. Coming around the same mountain again.... you know? One step forward - two steps back - one step forward and on and on. Obedient one time - missed it the next. Kicking myself because I think I heard God, but wasn't sure; then come to find out I should have listened to what I thought I was hearing... am I alone on this? Why can't I hear it correctly everytime? Would've could've should've.... would it really make that much difference?
Just my thoughts for the morning. It probably makes no sense to anyone but me... I suppose I should go make us lunch.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The movie was great! It was great for the history and for the story line. I found myself with tears running down my eyes... and not really for any particular reason except that the word of God was coming forth. I truly wonder what it's impact will be.
I was excited about the previews for it too, because they are supposed to have a new movie for Christmas about the birth of Jesus. Yay!
I finally had a nice weekend at work that was not horribly busy. It was actually somewhat relaxing. I was very thankful. The only problem I had was with one of the doctors that I have a hard time with because he is so unkind to the nurses sometimes. I ended up crying after a phone conversation with him. I guess I was frustrated because I had to be silent and basically you really can't say anything to the guy because no matter what you say, you are wrong and he is not. Then I had to call him back after the patient wanted me to talk to him again. So I started crying again because I did not want to talk to him. I was like, "yeah that's real professional" and had to talk myself into calling because I knew I had to do it. I was really disgusted with myself. No wonder guys don't know what to do with us. Sometimes emotions stink!
So here we are - made it through the weekend - Monday morning...... my kids are pretty much refusing to do school. I have mentioned it several times and I am done discussing it. It will be dad's turn to discuss it with them tonight. They decided today is a play day. NOT. The boys are in Ethan's room playing with guys and locked Elizabeth out. So she is writing notes and passing them back and forth under the door. Does that count as spelling and writing for her? She has been doing it for about a half hour. She is trying to convince them to let her in. They are holding her Barbie car hostage.
Tomorrow I am hopefully going out with a couple of the gals from work. It is their birthday this week. We haven't been out for a couple of months or more. We used to have a lot of fun until we moved to the new building. Now we are so busy and the floor is so big, we hardly see each other to joke around.
Since my kids are not doing school, I got on the website for my sister in law's wedding and looked at all her wedding photos. Our whole family was part of the wedding. I ended up ordering about 100 photos off the site. Maybe after I actually get to see them, I will get some enlarged. There are some really cute ones of the kids all dressed up and some of Edgey all dressed up in a tux too. I'll have to put some on here if I can.
I was excited about the previews for it too, because they are supposed to have a new movie for Christmas about the birth of Jesus. Yay!
I finally had a nice weekend at work that was not horribly busy. It was actually somewhat relaxing. I was very thankful. The only problem I had was with one of the doctors that I have a hard time with because he is so unkind to the nurses sometimes. I ended up crying after a phone conversation with him. I guess I was frustrated because I had to be silent and basically you really can't say anything to the guy because no matter what you say, you are wrong and he is not. Then I had to call him back after the patient wanted me to talk to him again. So I started crying again because I did not want to talk to him. I was like, "yeah that's real professional" and had to talk myself into calling because I knew I had to do it. I was really disgusted with myself. No wonder guys don't know what to do with us. Sometimes emotions stink!
So here we are - made it through the weekend - Monday morning...... my kids are pretty much refusing to do school. I have mentioned it several times and I am done discussing it. It will be dad's turn to discuss it with them tonight. They decided today is a play day. NOT. The boys are in Ethan's room playing with guys and locked Elizabeth out. So she is writing notes and passing them back and forth under the door. Does that count as spelling and writing for her? She has been doing it for about a half hour. She is trying to convince them to let her in. They are holding her Barbie car hostage.
Tomorrow I am hopefully going out with a couple of the gals from work. It is their birthday this week. We haven't been out for a couple of months or more. We used to have a lot of fun until we moved to the new building. Now we are so busy and the floor is so big, we hardly see each other to joke around.
Since my kids are not doing school, I got on the website for my sister in law's wedding and looked at all her wedding photos. Our whole family was part of the wedding. I ended up ordering about 100 photos off the site. Maybe after I actually get to see them, I will get some enlarged. There are some really cute ones of the kids all dressed up and some of Edgey all dressed up in a tux too. I'll have to put some on here if I can.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
If you think my music is too loud.... turn it down. FYI- The control is at the very bottom of the screen. I'm sure I will change it when I find something I like better.... but for now.... It's kinda like peanutbutterjellytime! :) I think it only plays once, but it lasts a loooooong time.
Another FYI- I switched videos.... this one is a "must watch"
On to other things... Good news: I found a five dollar bill in my coat pocket left there from last year. That was a nice little surprise. :) PTL!
Bad news: Our heater is not working. PTL anyway! Edgey had to call the heater dude to see when he can come fix it. All we got was a message machine and no one has called back yet, so that is not a good sign. So today I made lemon cake and left the oven on for about 6 hours to keep it warm in the downstairs. The upstairs one works fine. We have 2 furnaces if ya'll don't know because this used to be a 2 family dwelling. I also found our little electric heater and left it running all day where were doing our homeschool stuff. Mostly on my feet but the kids were trying to take it. I really do not enjoy being cold. This was a bit sudden for me. I'm sure it will probably get back up to the point when I want the air conditioner put back in the window though. That is how it is about every year. Good old Iowa weather! I heard it was 18 degrees today with the wind chill.
I forgot to cover my mum last night. It was just getting ready to bloom. I did not even go look to check it today. I did not step one foot outside today. We just did school a long time today. I made taco soup for lunch. That was really good. That warmed us up too. It would have been better if I had tortilla chips to crunch up in it. If anyone wants that recipe, let me know. Yummm.
Edgey got hurt at work today. He and Miss Accident Prone must be related somehow.....
He got a big cut on his hand from some spring hinge. Even worse than that, the other guy that was helping him did the exact same thing and almost cut his finger off. The other guy had to go get 12 stitches in his finger.
Can't wait for Friday!!!!
Another FYI- I switched videos.... this one is a "must watch"
On to other things... Good news: I found a five dollar bill in my coat pocket left there from last year. That was a nice little surprise. :) PTL!
Bad news: Our heater is not working. PTL anyway! Edgey had to call the heater dude to see when he can come fix it. All we got was a message machine and no one has called back yet, so that is not a good sign. So today I made lemon cake and left the oven on for about 6 hours to keep it warm in the downstairs. The upstairs one works fine. We have 2 furnaces if ya'll don't know because this used to be a 2 family dwelling. I also found our little electric heater and left it running all day where were doing our homeschool stuff. Mostly on my feet but the kids were trying to take it. I really do not enjoy being cold. This was a bit sudden for me. I'm sure it will probably get back up to the point when I want the air conditioner put back in the window though. That is how it is about every year. Good old Iowa weather! I heard it was 18 degrees today with the wind chill.
I forgot to cover my mum last night. It was just getting ready to bloom. I did not even go look to check it today. I did not step one foot outside today. We just did school a long time today. I made taco soup for lunch. That was really good. That warmed us up too. It would have been better if I had tortilla chips to crunch up in it. If anyone wants that recipe, let me know. Yummm.
Edgey got hurt at work today. He and Miss Accident Prone must be related somehow.....
He got a big cut on his hand from some spring hinge. Even worse than that, the other guy that was helping him did the exact same thing and almost cut his finger off. The other guy had to go get 12 stitches in his finger.
Can't wait for Friday!!!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
One Night With The King

Monday, October 09, 2006
Love & Respect
This recent weekend was my weekend off. Didn't think about work one single time...
I did think about my marriage though. We had a "marriage seminar" for the married couples at the church. It was very thought provoking. The speaker (via DVD) Emerson Eggerich presented marriage in an extremely challenging way. I had heard the message before to a minimal extent, but this guy really expounded on the verse.... Eph 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must repect her husband.
The husband is supposed to love his wife like Christ loves and serves the church. And the wife is to respect the husband. But the wife is to respect unconditionally. That is hard when you are living in a culture that disses men all the time. It is not a natural thing for women to do and that is why it is commanded to us.
Women see and hear pink. Men see and hear blue. When they come together as one in marriage they are in the image of God - purple (royalty).
Basically what it came down to for me is "Do I trust God enough to take care of me and do I love God enough to treat my husband like I would treat Jesus in the flesh, whether or not my husband deserves it or not?" Things like keeping my mouth shut about his driving when he is swerving all over the road, knowing full well that he loves me and would never hurt me or the kids purposefully, even though he is the one with the "wonderful" driving record. And after this weekend, I know I am not the only one that deals with that.
So I have been trying to behave and renew my mind... unfortunately I am still sarcastic and have to watch what I say.
I do have to say, though, that I do respect my husband more than any other man I have ever known. He is the only man who has ever apologized to me for being wrong about anything. He also confesses things - even when I don't want to know about them. And, the other thing I have found about him is that he will do what is right even though everything is fighting against him not to.
This weekend I also had the best chicken fajitas I have ever had EVER. We went to Carlos O'Kelly's and I had the Margarita Chicken Fajitas. I will be going back there again.
The kids hung out with my mom on Friday all day. Edgey took the day off from work and we took off and went shopping at the mall in Story City. They have awesome deals on jeans for him. He needed work pants and we got a couple pair for just $5 each. They usually cost around $35. He was very excited.
On Saturday, the kids got to hang out with Auntie till we were done with the seminar. By Sunday they were sick. Elizabeth's tummy hurt and Ethan was coughing and snotting and Edgey stayed home with them because he was fighting off something too.
Today he felt cruddy but he went to work. He called to tell me he was at Home Depot getting materials and was in the bathroom and the lights in the whole building went off. He had to use his cell phone to light up the bathroom so he could see because it was so dark. What was funny was that an employee was in a stall and said he was going to take a nap. Since the power went off, Edgey had to leave the store and could not purchase any of the stuff he had gone around gathering and wasted a lot of time.... so he was kinda bummed out.
I did think about my marriage though. We had a "marriage seminar" for the married couples at the church. It was very thought provoking. The speaker (via DVD) Emerson Eggerich presented marriage in an extremely challenging way. I had heard the message before to a minimal extent, but this guy really expounded on the verse.... Eph 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must repect her husband.
The husband is supposed to love his wife like Christ loves and serves the church. And the wife is to respect the husband. But the wife is to respect unconditionally. That is hard when you are living in a culture that disses men all the time. It is not a natural thing for women to do and that is why it is commanded to us.
Women see and hear pink. Men see and hear blue. When they come together as one in marriage they are in the image of God - purple (royalty).
Basically what it came down to for me is "Do I trust God enough to take care of me and do I love God enough to treat my husband like I would treat Jesus in the flesh, whether or not my husband deserves it or not?" Things like keeping my mouth shut about his driving when he is swerving all over the road, knowing full well that he loves me and would never hurt me or the kids purposefully, even though he is the one with the "wonderful" driving record. And after this weekend, I know I am not the only one that deals with that.
So I have been trying to behave and renew my mind... unfortunately I am still sarcastic and have to watch what I say.
I do have to say, though, that I do respect my husband more than any other man I have ever known. He is the only man who has ever apologized to me for being wrong about anything. He also confesses things - even when I don't want to know about them. And, the other thing I have found about him is that he will do what is right even though everything is fighting against him not to.
This weekend I also had the best chicken fajitas I have ever had EVER. We went to Carlos O'Kelly's and I had the Margarita Chicken Fajitas. I will be going back there again.
The kids hung out with my mom on Friday all day. Edgey took the day off from work and we took off and went shopping at the mall in Story City. They have awesome deals on jeans for him. He needed work pants and we got a couple pair for just $5 each. They usually cost around $35. He was very excited.
On Saturday, the kids got to hang out with Auntie till we were done with the seminar. By Sunday they were sick. Elizabeth's tummy hurt and Ethan was coughing and snotting and Edgey stayed home with them because he was fighting off something too.
Today he felt cruddy but he went to work. He called to tell me he was at Home Depot getting materials and was in the bathroom and the lights in the whole building went off. He had to use his cell phone to light up the bathroom so he could see because it was so dark. What was funny was that an employee was in a stall and said he was going to take a nap. Since the power went off, Edgey had to leave the store and could not purchase any of the stuff he had gone around gathering and wasted a lot of time.... so he was kinda bummed out.