Thursday, October 19, 2006

Another Stingray Attack

Ok - It happened again.... A stingray jumped into the boat of an 81-year-old Florida man and stabbed him in the chest, leaving its long barb stuck in him, authorities said. He is still alive at this point but in critical condition. Doctors did surgery to remove the barb. At least they didn't yank it out like Croc Hunter.
That is just whacked! Why, all of a sudden, would these things become violent?

Anyway, I made bran/wheat muffins for breakfast this morning. I thought I would be Betty Crocker today, but I have given up for now. I have no idea what to make for lunch. It is cold in here (the heater guy still hasn't showed up) so I was thinking some kind of nice warm soup sounded good.

My children are very needy today so I must quit blogging already......


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