Friday, October 20, 2006

GAY = Good As You

I was reading another blog again and thinking about the topic of homosexuality. Just finishing up with the marriage seminar makes me think about this again.

Man an woman are created to be a complete image of God. When they are married, they enter into a blood covenant..... most people won't get taught this in church because people usually don't discuss sex in church. The blood covenant happens when the woman's hymen is broken with whomever - hopefully her husband.

Let's back up even further...... What is a covenant? A mutual consent or agreement of two people to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract, a compact. A compact made by passing between pieces of flesh. The union or the uniting of two parties in which all assets, debts, talents and liabilities belong to each other.
Cutting a blood covenant is giving oneself to the other. It assures the weaker to be protected by the stronger.

So - Man is the head as Christ is head of the church and the woman is the tail(body).

What does God see when he sees homosexuality? Genesis 2:21-24 shows us that God created the woman for the man. Satan has a counterfiet for everything God has created. When two men come together to have (yuck) anal sex, the tissue is torn and there is bleeding. Sorry but it's true. Or, when women come together using whatever to do whatever (don't wanna think about that really) there is a Satanic blood covenant created that causes them to be of one flesh.

So what does this look like spiritually? 2 men together = 2 heads and no body DEFORMED! and 2 women = 2 bodies and no head DEFORMED again. No wonder God sees it as an abomination.

Besides being gross- I will never forget the spiritual picture of homosexuality.


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