Thursday, October 12, 2006

If you think my music is too loud.... turn it down. FYI- The control is at the very bottom of the screen. I'm sure I will change it when I find something I like better.... but for now.... It's kinda like peanutbutterjellytime! :) I think it only plays once, but it lasts a loooooong time.

Another FYI- I switched videos.... this one is a "must watch"

On to other things... Good news: I found a five dollar bill in my coat pocket left there from last year. That was a nice little surprise. :) PTL!

Bad news: Our heater is not working. PTL anyway! Edgey had to call the heater dude to see when he can come fix it. All we got was a message machine and no one has called back yet, so that is not a good sign. So today I made lemon cake and left the oven on for about 6 hours to keep it warm in the downstairs. The upstairs one works fine. We have 2 furnaces if ya'll don't know because this used to be a 2 family dwelling. I also found our little electric heater and left it running all day where were doing our homeschool stuff. Mostly on my feet but the kids were trying to take it. I really do not enjoy being cold. This was a bit sudden for me. I'm sure it will probably get back up to the point when I want the air conditioner put back in the window though. That is how it is about every year. Good old Iowa weather! I heard it was 18 degrees today with the wind chill.

I forgot to cover my mum last night. It was just getting ready to bloom. I did not even go look to check it today. I did not step one foot outside today. We just did school a long time today. I made taco soup for lunch. That was really good. That warmed us up too. It would have been better if I had tortilla chips to crunch up in it. If anyone wants that recipe, let me know. Yummm.

Edgey got hurt at work today. He and Miss Accident Prone must be related somehow.....
He got a big cut on his hand from some spring hinge. Even worse than that, the other guy that was helping him did the exact same thing and almost cut his finger off. The other guy had to go get 12 stitches in his finger.

Can't wait for Friday!!!!


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