Monday, October 09, 2006

Love & Respect

This recent weekend was my weekend off. Didn't think about work one single time...

I did think about my marriage though. We had a "marriage seminar" for the married couples at the church. It was very thought provoking. The speaker (via DVD) Emerson Eggerich presented marriage in an extremely challenging way. I had heard the message before to a minimal extent, but this guy really expounded on the verse.... Eph 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must repect her husband.
The husband is supposed to love his wife like Christ loves and serves the church. And the wife is to respect the husband. But the wife is to respect unconditionally. That is hard when you are living in a culture that disses men all the time. It is not a natural thing for women to do and that is why it is commanded to us.
Women see and hear pink. Men see and hear blue. When they come together as one in marriage they are in the image of God - purple (royalty).
Basically what it came down to for me is "Do I trust God enough to take care of me and do I love God enough to treat my husband like I would treat Jesus in the flesh, whether or not my husband deserves it or not?" Things like keeping my mouth shut about his driving when he is swerving all over the road, knowing full well that he loves me and would never hurt me or the kids purposefully, even though he is the one with the "wonderful" driving record. And after this weekend, I know I am not the only one that deals with that.
So I have been trying to behave and renew my mind... unfortunately I am still sarcastic and have to watch what I say.
I do have to say, though, that I do respect my husband more than any other man I have ever known. He is the only man who has ever apologized to me for being wrong about anything. He also confesses things - even when I don't want to know about them. And, the other thing I have found about him is that he will do what is right even though everything is fighting against him not to.

This weekend I also had the best chicken fajitas I have ever had EVER. We went to Carlos O'Kelly's and I had the Margarita Chicken Fajitas. I will be going back there again.

The kids hung out with my mom on Friday all day. Edgey took the day off from work and we took off and went shopping at the mall in Story City. They have awesome deals on jeans for him. He needed work pants and we got a couple pair for just $5 each. They usually cost around $35. He was very excited.
On Saturday, the kids got to hang out with Auntie till we were done with the seminar. By Sunday they were sick. Elizabeth's tummy hurt and Ethan was coughing and snotting and Edgey stayed home with them because he was fighting off something too.
Today he felt cruddy but he went to work. He called to tell me he was at Home Depot getting materials and was in the bathroom and the lights in the whole building went off. He had to use his cell phone to light up the bathroom so he could see because it was so dark. What was funny was that an employee was in a stall and said he was going to take a nap. Since the power went off, Edgey had to leave the store and could not purchase any of the stuff he had gone around gathering and wasted a lot of time.... so he was kinda bummed out.


Blogger marysto said...

Hey Mrs. E!

I'll be in your area in a couple weeks.

Email me:

10:09 AM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Party, Party, Party!! I'm doin' the party dance.

12:25 AM  

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