Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well, Mr Edgey did not tell me his plans for last night, so he ran off to work some more and I had to make my children go to bed early so they could get up early today. They have to do double school today - and what is interesting is that since they expected it (because they were warned several times before bed), they have not had an attitude about it at all this a.m. They are working very hard on their schoolwork and actually are almost finished with their individual stuff. Now I will just have to work with them on their history and science together.... I guess I expected a fight this morning and I am pleasantly surprised.

I got to watch Joyce Meyer this morning. She was talking about how God works in our lives and how people want everything to happen quickly.... and how they don't understand what longsuffering is. They read over that too fast - longsuffering instead of how we should read it....
looooooooooooooooooooongsuffering. And that we skip over the suffering part too. We don't fast or give up things like we should in order to have a better relationship with Christ. To seek is an action-verb. Are we actively seeking the kingdom of heaven the way we search for a misplaced set of keys? Are we turning our lives upside down to find that one thing?
Anyway, it gave me something to think about. I do sacrifice to some extent, but is it really enough? Sometimes I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. Coming around the same mountain again.... you know? One step forward - two steps back - one step forward and on and on. Obedient one time - missed it the next. Kicking myself because I think I heard God, but wasn't sure; then come to find out I should have listened to what I thought I was hearing... am I alone on this? Why can't I hear it correctly everytime? Would've could've should've.... would it really make that much difference?

Just my thoughts for the morning. It probably makes no sense to anyone but me... I suppose I should go make us lunch.


Blogger Brenda said...

I feel like I am stalled to. I don't think you said that but thats whats going on with me. I have been thinking about the same things. But to be honest I am asking if I am ready to ask God what I have to do for things to be different. Might sound funny but I know it will mean sacrifice. Not very spiritual but honest. Thanks Kim for being so transparent.

9:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Stalled - that's an interesting way to think about it. I was thinking more in line with "idling" like an engine that is wasting time/money/energy on running and never going anywhere. Of course, if we are acknowledging that is where we are, then we are already ahead of the game because at least we realize it. I guess that's one good thing.

11:05 PM  

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