Monday, October 16, 2006

The movie was great! It was great for the history and for the story line. I found myself with tears running down my eyes... and not really for any particular reason except that the word of God was coming forth. I truly wonder what it's impact will be.
I was excited about the previews for it too, because they are supposed to have a new movie for Christmas about the birth of Jesus. Yay!

I finally had a nice weekend at work that was not horribly busy. It was actually somewhat relaxing. I was very thankful. The only problem I had was with one of the doctors that I have a hard time with because he is so unkind to the nurses sometimes. I ended up crying after a phone conversation with him. I guess I was frustrated because I had to be silent and basically you really can't say anything to the guy because no matter what you say, you are wrong and he is not. Then I had to call him back after the patient wanted me to talk to him again. So I started crying again because I did not want to talk to him. I was like, "yeah that's real professional" and had to talk myself into calling because I knew I had to do it. I was really disgusted with myself. No wonder guys don't know what to do with us. Sometimes emotions stink!

So here we are - made it through the weekend - Monday morning...... my kids are pretty much refusing to do school. I have mentioned it several times and I am done discussing it. It will be dad's turn to discuss it with them tonight. They decided today is a play day. NOT. The boys are in Ethan's room playing with guys and locked Elizabeth out. So she is writing notes and passing them back and forth under the door. Does that count as spelling and writing for her? She has been doing it for about a half hour. She is trying to convince them to let her in. They are holding her Barbie car hostage.

Tomorrow I am hopefully going out with a couple of the gals from work. It is their birthday this week. We haven't been out for a couple of months or more. We used to have a lot of fun until we moved to the new building. Now we are so busy and the floor is so big, we hardly see each other to joke around.

Since my kids are not doing school, I got on the website for my sister in law's wedding and looked at all her wedding photos. Our whole family was part of the wedding. I ended up ordering about 100 photos off the site. Maybe after I actually get to see them, I will get some enlarged. There are some really cute ones of the kids all dressed up and some of Edgey all dressed up in a tux too. I'll have to put some on here if I can.


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