Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I went out with the gals from work last night. They are so funny sometimes. We talked a little bit about work but mostly laughed about it.

One of the gals is from England. She met her husband as a penpal. When she got over here they got married. They have been married for quite a long time now (probably around 8 or 9 years). Her husband is completely Catholic. Everything has been fine up until the last several months. I guess he opened his mouth about their marriage and the priest said that he could no longer take communion because he was not legally married "in the eyes of the Catholic church."
She is not Catholic so they go to a Lutheran church on Wednesday nights and she works with me on the weekends - every weekend - so he takes the kids to a Catholic church on Sundays. She takes communion at the Lutheran church as well as he can because the Lutheran Church doesn't have a problem with their marriage......
Anyway, he has been moping around all this time, back and forth to different priests, etc... because the "catholicness" is so engrained into him that he feels like he is worthless or something because he cannot take communion. He will not listen to anybody or anything except the priest.
So anyway she finally gave in and agreed to go get "remarried" in the Roman Catholic eyes so that he will quit moping around being miserable. This is quite the big deal.

What we were actually laughing about is that she decided if she has to get remarried, that she wants a new wedding ring too. Then she thought about since she is not legally married, then she will not have "premarital sex" either. I guess his eyes got kinda big when she mentioned that. She asked him when they were going to have the wedding "Sometime in March?"

I did have to laugh because it was too funny.

I had my Margerita Chicken Fajitas. They were sooooo good.


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