Friday, September 01, 2006


Definition of jealousy = 1. That passion of peculiar uneasiness which arises from the fear that a rival may rob us of the affection of one whom we love, or the suspicion that he has already done it; or it is the uneasiness which arises from the fear that another does or will enjoy some advantage which we desire for ourselves.

Okay. So why am I writing about this? My children are displaying signs of jealousy when Mr. Edgey and I kiss or give each other a hug.

It's been going on for some time now, but seems to be escalating recently. Edge usually gives me a hug in the kitchen and if the kids (Elizabeth & Jesse) see us, they race in there because they want a hug too.... like a big family hug. That's all fine and dandy.

Well, about a week-or so-ago, we were riding in the van and I was dropping off the kids at grandma's. Elizabeth asked me what I was going to do and I told them that daddy & I were going on a date.... and she made a "hmpf" kind of sound. So, trying to see what kind of rise I would get out of her, I said, "Or maybe we will just stay home and kiss each other." Not only did I get a "hmpf" sound several times but I received a projectile rubber toy in the back of my shoulder..... surprisingly good aim for the girl, I might add.

Now when we kiss or hug in the kitchen (and they seem to know exactly when this takes place like a homing device or something), Jesse & Elizabeth run in and Elizabeth pretends to beat me up and spank my behind and Jesse starts pretending to beat up Edgey and get in between us. At first it was somewhat funny and we played it up even more.... but NOW it is getting annoying. I am not sure what we are going to do about it. If anyone has any suggestions, please do so.
It's not like we don't spend time with the kids or don't hug them or take them out on dates..... I know this is the time when they are supposed to be more possessive of the opposite sex parent, but I didn't quite expect this all the time.
Edgey sits by me in church too and the past two services Elizabeth has tried to sit next to him and he has told her no because I sit there..... and then we get the "you don't love me any more" guilt trip whine and she even wrote it on a piece of paper because she is learning how to spell. Oh man! What's up with that? I didn't think I was going to have to deal with this emotional stuff till she hit the teenage years.

Big moment this morning: Jesse boy lost his first tooth. I had to take a picture since he is my third child and I have few pictures of my third child. You know how there are a zillion pictures of the first one and then we have another one and they are less because you don't have quite as much time or money. I tried hard to take ones with both of them together and besides she is the only girl so we want girl pictures. Then the third one comes along and you can't find the camera (this was prior to camera phones) or you are so tired and busy you don't even remember you are supposed to take pictures anymore. Well, this is kind of what happened with us. I have very few pictures of my youngest. I have been taking more since I have my camera phone. I always have that with me.

My mom watched the kids for a while yesterday. I was tired and came home and took a nap in the peace and quiet of the empty house. That was nice. Then I ran a couple of errands and went to a goodwill to piddle around. I found a pair of jeans for Ethan for 99 cents (why don't they have a cent sign on my keyboard?) and a pair of black hills gold earrings for 59 cents. It cost less than my potato ole's at lunch. Yes, I have a Taco John's weakness..... sorry, I must confess. Ethan had karate and the little kids and I came home and waited around for Layne to come over to eat with us...... He never showed up! Thanks!!!Layne!!! hope you had fun working. :) He was supposed to do a split shift and come have a snack and hang out and watch the neighbors. And yes, they were out makin' noise last night. So Layne totally missed out on the hood experience. Well, maybe not completely since he was only working 3 blocks away.
Elizabeth read an episode of Little Bear to Jesse and me while we were sitting around. She is getting pretty good at her reading.

This will be my first weekend at the new building (
take a virtual tour). I don't think I am looking forward to everything new. Oh well. I guess I will pretend I am a temp nurse on some other floor. I just hope it won't be too busy so I have time to find everything I need easily. Have a great weekend! It's a long one!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey hey!!! yeah my g'ma was in the new part and it was really nice!!! but none of the nurses or doctors could find nething!!!

9:55 PM  

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