Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am such a knucklehead sometimes. Last night I could not go to sleep AGAIN. I wonder if I need some ambien or something. I realized I had no contact solution left and was disgusted.... so I made a midnight wallyworld run. I was there till around 2 a.m. Came home, unloaded and then went to bed. I had to look at hairdryers because mine blew up a couple of days ago. It still blows cold air so I can use it for now, but not for winter time, no way. Oh, and our microwave blew up on Tues night.... did I tell you that already? It started smoking and then won't heat anything up anymore. Great! Time for a new microwave. Just when we were going to get the trampoline again. God must not want us to have a trampoline or something. Everytime we get enough money to get it, we have to spend it on something else whacked.... like bug spray and now a new microwave. Grrr..... count it all joy. Happy, happy, joy, joy....

Elizabeth is watching whiny Caillou on PBS until its time for school to start. Ethan is not awake yet. I will probably have to go pour ice water on him or something drastic. Jesse and I got home so late that I am letting him sleep in today. He is so funny. When I told him I was going to let him sleep in, he said, "Yeah, I get crabby and cry alot if I don't get my sleep, don't I mom?"
Of course I agreed with him.

Well, I guess I better wake Ethan up and get school going...... Later!


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