Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to School

I am getting ready for back to school. Since I actually took a break from it over the summer, I am looking forward to getting back into a real routine instead of running around to the park and swimming all the time. I have been trying to figure out how I will fit everything into the schedule and still be done by noon. That may be a bit hard.

Jesse and Ethan went and got their shots. Ethan had to have his tetanus and some meningitis shot that is new....(great). Jesse had to get his final 5 year old shots even though he just turned 6. The nurse looked at me like I was a bad mom. She raised her eyebrows and acted like it was all a big deal and he was soooo far behind. WHATEVER. The doctor told me he was all up to date except the last one and that is what we were coming in for. If I wait long enough, they can give him the shot that is all in one so we don't have to have so much mercury preservative put into his little body....you know the stuff that causes ADHD and autism, etc....I am a nurse and I do have my reasons. So Jesse got his 2 shots and screamed and cried for 5 minutes, then it was done. I even had Ethan get his shots first so Jesse wouldn't freak. Ethan did awesome. Didn't even flinch. So Jesse jumped up there and I had to hold his little hands and the 2 nurses stabbed his legs at the same time. He kinda plays on his baby status and the crying lasted longer than was probably necessary. Anyway, he picked out 2 stickers (one for each shot) and now we are school legal. That is a good thing, because he had told me sometime during the winter he wasn't doing school anymore because he didn't have his school shots yet. Some nice person had told him he had to have shots to go to school. The things they learn from other meaningful people.

So, I was up until 3 a.m. last night getting ready for the school year. Trying to see what has to be done separately and what can be done with all 3 together. I have to do reading separately with all of them and probably Math too, but history, science, bible, geography, music & artist studies can all be done together.

We have been teaching Ethan how to cook off and on. That is one thing I will work on more this year with him. So far he can make eggs, macaroni, grilled cheese, other sandwiches, spaghetti, hot dogs, hamburgers and start the charcoal grill... basic stuff he likes to eat. I was looking at some homemaking curriculum that teaches how to make bread from scratch and whole grains and stuff that's good for you. He thought that sounded fun and really wanted to do that.

I have to turn in paperwork this week and set up an appointment with my supervising teacher. So back to work.

Hope you are all enjoying the summer days......


Blogger Alex McGinnis said...

What? SCHOOL nasty nasty nastya nasty. Three in the morning sorry I feel bad for you and posting at 8 in the morning that gives you like 4 2 8 5 well very little sleep! LOL talk to you later. O and JK about the school, I can't wait to get back to school here soon.

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9:31 AM  

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