Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Confucius say: two wrongs not make a right -- three lefts do.

Another day.... This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
More school today. I still did not get up to have quiet time before Elizabeth woke up. I don't know what it is with her. She is almost always up early. Maybe I will pray for her to sleep in. You know sometimes it's amazing what God does when we ask... Like when I ask him to wake me up instead of setting my alarm. He does it. It's kind of like asking my husband to do it. God loves me just as much and more.
I had Elizabeth go get the boys up later. Ethan was sleeping through his alarm and Jesse can sleep through about anything so he didn't hear it either.

We caught up on history today. We were discussing how the Sumerians had written this Epic of Gilgamesh that had a part of the story that was almost exactly like Noah and the ark. Only when the "hero" and his wife survived the great flood, they were made into gods.

Tonight I had college class. Edge did home-ec with Ethan while I was gone. I am not sure what they decided to cook but the kitchen was a mess when I came home tonight. I only have one more week of actual class.... it went so fast. I sang tonight at chapel time and there were several people crying. The song I did was kind of in line with what our pastor has been talking about.... just trusting in God for his plan for our lives. When we don't understand what he is doing, when we can't see his hand in the situation, we need to trust God's heart. The first time I ever heard the song, I guess I was crying too. That's probably why I ended up buying the track... hmmm.

Tonight I had a strange experience in class. I guess visuals help when teaching sometimes. Anyway the teacher was talking about justification and righteousness. She pretended we were in the court room on trial for our sins, for which we are completely guilty. She had a gavel and pounded it on the podium. It was really dramatic and made the point. She also had on a judges black robe and was pretending to be Jesus. And even though we are guilty for our sins, Jesus already paid the price..... so she took off her robe and came and put it on my shoulders. A robe of righteousness. It was an emotional revelational moment.... we are completely covered in righteousness because God sees nothing but HIS righteousness.

I think if I get to heaven and God lets me do what I want to do, I want to be one of the heavenly choir voices that stands around and sings Holy, Holy, Holy and Worthy Worthy is the Lamb.



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