Friday, August 25, 2006


Well, we have almost made it through a whole week of school. Yay! I went to bed early last night and since my body is not used to sleeping a whole lot, I was up by 5 a.m. twiddling my thumbs. So I got up and had my quiet meditation time, a load of laundry and then did some of my college homework in the quiet..... I like quiet. Guess who was up by 7 a.m. ???? Bet you can't guess.
Actually Elizabeth and Edgey were both up early.
Elizabeth wanted toast and juice for the 3rd day in a row. So I made toast for breakfast. Sometimes she thinks of the strangest things. She wanted to know who made the Tootsie Roll.
Luckily I was already on the internet so I just googled and came up with answer. She says, "you're so smart mom." .....Right..... "No, I just know where to find the answers."

So I am stuck at a question on my test right now... and maybe its just because I don't want to think anymore. Question: There are many stresses in ministry. Relate a few that you see.
Or maybe it's because there are soooooo many stresses in ministry that it's too hard to decide which ones to pick. Maybe I should take a poll and see which ones are the worst. Would anybody answer? How about death to self..... that would just cover a multitude of stresses.

Tomorrow is Ethan's birthday. He will be twelve. I keep thinking that this should be a big milestone. Maybe next year...... he will be 13. That's when the jewish boys have their Bar Mitzvah's. That means "son of the covenant". The coming of age when they are held accountable for their own actions.
He wants to go to Ryan's Steakhouse for lunch. That is his favorite place to eat at the moment. So that is what we are going to do tomorrow. I invited my family to come eat with us. Other than that we are not going to have a big party or cake. Ethan wants the desserts there anyway. I didn't have parties for any of them this year. We did last year. Have to keep everything even or they will be like "I didn't get a party and Ethan did. No fair" or "Why didn't I get a birthday cake?" Next year I will try to have parties for all of them. They always want to go to Chuck E Cheeses and it's so expensive and the pizza tastes nasty anyway. What a waste of money.

He also wanted a skateboard for his birthday. He has a cheapo one but he wants a nice one - so that is what we got him this year. Skateboard, skateboard shoes and a skateboard shirt. We are hoping someone buys him a new helmet and knee pads. He "lost" his other helmet.... I wonder. I think it disappeared because he didn't like it.

Well, he woke up now, so I better get this off the screen in case he sees what his present is.



Blogger marysto said...

Hey Mrs. E,

I'm going to be in your area in October. Wanna go out for coffee???


6:33 AM  
Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

YES!!! Yay! I finally get to see you in real life.... :)

12:07 PM  
Blogger marysto said...

Its a date.

I'll get your email from Ryan and send you the days we'll be in Iowa. I would love to meet you in person.

I just got back tonight from a campfire at Pastor Ted's and he said something about your caribou coffee fetish????


9:11 PM  

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