Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Give Satan an Inch & He'll Be a Ruler

Edgey's Auntie came over last night for dinner. I did a home-ec class with Ethan and he made meatloaf and hashbrown casserole while I told him how to do it. He likes that kind of stuff. Maybe by the time he's 14 or so, he will be able to make us some major dinners. :) He did kind of gross out when he actually had to mix it by hand. Ha. Train, train, train. Tonight Edgey is going to teach him how to make lasagna. He has been asking how to do that. We make the kind you just throw it all in the pan and let it bake. We don't boil noodles first or anything. It has always turned out great. So I guess I will miss out on that dinner. Last week he made Chicken Tetrazzini but did they save me any? NOOOOOO...... I get punished because I was at class. I told them they had better save me a piece of lasagna. It will probably be a little 2x3" piece or something.
After Auntie left, we finished up with our school that we did not get done. It was actually kind of nice to have the little break in between. We did history and then science. We learned about vascular plants and the kids enjoyed it because they got to go out in the dark and find a couple of leafs with veins in them. Then we glued them on paper and labeled them to put into their notebooks. The only problem I noticed was that they didn't go very far to find them and ended up pinching off a few of my coleus leafs. Turkeys! They are cool though because they are fuzzy and purple and show the veins in the leaf well.
Elizabeth is certainly giving Ethan a run for his money in memory stuff. She remembers most of the stuff we read and we had a little review history quiz today and I made it like a contest and it was Ethan 8 vs Eliz 7.

Today we got to read some Robert Frost poems. I went to the library and got a couple of books that are actually his poems that they have illustrated. Very cute. We read through a couple of them the other day and Ethan asked me if he was a christian because he refers to the garden of Eden and just the way that he writes. So I got a little children's biography to read to them too. I guess I never realized he recited one of his poems at Kennedy's inauguration.

Jesse didn't want to do school today so he got to do it with his daddy tonight. I will have to let you know how that went because I haven't talked to Edgey yet... he's in bed.


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