Tuesday, August 22, 2006

1st day of School

Well all in all, the day went well. I asked Edge to wake me up before he left for work this morning, which he did.... his alarm went off at least 3 times as he kept hitting snooze. Finally I just sat on the edge of the bed and pretended to get up. That usually gets him going because he wants to beat me into the bathroom. So he headed in there and when he came back in the bedroom he informed me he had turned on the lights in the kids' bedrooms so they would wake up. Well, it was only 7:10 and I wasn't too ecstatic about the kids getting up that early, so I went and shut them back off. The whole purpose to me getting up before he left was so I could have a cup of coffee and some meditation time to adjust my attitude. I reminded him that I just asked him to wake me up before he left and not the kids... he wasn't too happy about that, saying something about being sorry for living or something like that.
I finally went to the bathroom and when I came back in the bedroom.... Elizabeth had come in and crawled into my side of the bed. No quiet time for me. Oh well. She and I had a cup of coffee and breakfast while I tried to make sure all was in order for the day.
Then Ethan who had a 'tude because someone turned on the lights in his room, came down for the morning. He had set his alarm and was upset because he couldn't sleep until his alarm went off. So we were all off to a great start for the morning. There was only a little bit of the sugar cereal left so Elizabeth was excited because she got it.... and was reciting the saying "early bird gets the worm" to her older brother. Ethan frowned at her, but there was enough for him to have an entire bowl also. Not so for Jesse. Jesse just got a few dry cereal pieces and then requested a cheese stick. He did not complain though. He much rather prefers to have cheese sticks or yogurt in the a.m.
Me - I just had coffee..... if you read from yesterday, you know why.

So we got through the lessons, except history because by the time lunch was over and I ran an errand and got back. I HAD to have a nap in the chair or I would have fallen over. So I will have to double up tomorrow on that one.

I purposed this year to really try to memorize bible verses for myself and all the kids. So I ran across an index card system on the internet and I made one for myself. So we worked on our first verse for the year. I told the kids it was the main reason we were going to learn and memorize verses. They seemed excited and when Edgey asked them their verse at supper, they at least had the main meaning/reasoning behind it and remembered some of it.

Our verse:
Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Jesse didn't remember any of his sounds except s, m, and a. So we had to start pretty much over with review. Elizabeth did well on her reading after very little all summer. Ethan did ok too. I chalked it up to a good day.

It's going to be a great week!!!! Tues night is class and I am going to sing at chapel time. Hopefully all will go well. They said that the CD player cuts out sometimes..... just great. Oh well. Whatever. God is in control. If he wants it to cut out on me, I guess it will just cut out on me.

Blessings -KP


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