Wednesday, August 23, 2006

1 Potato 2 Potato

Today was a good day. Even if it was bad, I decided to try not to whine too much about anything. I don't want to go around the mountain too much and definitely don't want to be swallowed up by the earth. At least I didn't have to drink a whole pot of coffee. :)

School went pretty well. Jesse is remembering his letters much better and I doubled up on the 100 easy lessons in reading until we get back to where we were. We worked on the letter L today. In his curriculum we are supposed to do a letter per week, but I don't think he needs a whole week to learn some of them. Tomorrow I have to go outside and find a plant and cut a leaf off the plant. Then I have to talk about how most of the leaves are happy on the plant but the one I cut off decided he didn't like it and wanted to be free. He doesn't want to be part of the plant anymore. Then I have to put the leaf somewhere else because it likes it "better" over there. Anyway, by monday, the leaf will be shriveled up and dead. Then we have to relate it to us as the leaf and God as the plant. If we try to live aside from the plant (God), we will die.

Elizabeth will be starting her new reading book. She finished her last story in the old one finally. She was supposed to finish it before summer, but it didn't happen. We did have a struggle in her math today. She goes through these periods where she just decides she can't do something and piddles around and won't do it. So I asked her if she could count and she said no. So then I asked her if she would like to start over again with Jesse and she said no to that too. Then she started crying. So, then, I had to start counting all the pictures with her. Talk about needy. What is frustrating is that she is beyond all of that and I'm not sure what lesson I am supposed to learn from it. Grrr.

Ethan hurried today and finished with his stuff so he could go riding his bike with the kid down the street. Today was the last day before school starts in DSM. I will actually be glad because the more he hangs out with the kids around here, the worse attitude he starts to get.

When we were finished, the 2 younger ones put on a puppet show for me with the potato heads. Unfortunately I was sitting in my lazy boy when I was watching and started falling asleep. Jesse had to remind me tonight that I fell asleep during the puppet show. I don't really think it had a point..... it was a long, drawn out, detailed storyline. Kind of reminded me of a tennis match or something. zzzzzz

Church was tonight and Edgey got home so late from Newton he didn't want to go. He was tired too. They did baptisms tonight at the pastor's pool. Jesse went with me. The other 2 stayed home with their dad. After baptisms, Jesse was starving and wanted to go out with me on a date. I told him to pick what he wanted and he wanted to go to Cici's pizza. Luckily it stays open till 10:00. So we ate pizza and he was happy. He wanted to go to the game room and there was a Galaga machine back there so I changed out a dollar and let him play a driving game and I played the Galaga game. I kept winning - about 10 rounds so he was getting mad cause I was still playing and he used up his tokens. We closed out the place and went home. I had to stay up for a little bit because pizza is not the best thing to eat right before going to bed (at least for old people).

Oh - and for all you weirdos out there who like to play with bubble wrap. Here's a website for you! It's great!


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