Monday, August 21, 2006


There must be something wrong with me..... I am wide awake since being up at 5 a.m. for work and I can't go to sleep. School starts today and I will be wiped out before lunch is even thought about.
Am I crazy? It was a long weekend with work... seemed very busy even though we had an extra nurse on. Our rooms were full. We also had to go do a scavenger hunt in our new building to make sure we knew where everything was before moving over there next weekend. Thankfully, I will not have to be there for that. I actually get a weekend off (first one since the June wedding). YEAH!!!! I hope it is nice on Sunday because I want to go ride around on some jet skis. I can't wait. It's something Kim Possible would do. Except she would look much better in a swimsuit. LOL. Maybe when I was 14 or something, did I ever look like that.

It's going to be a good week. It's going to be a great week!
Later -KP


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