Sunday, July 16, 2006

Crazy Week

This week has just been nuts for me..... it seemed way too busy and not enough time....rush rush rush
Last weekend was work and it was busy.
Monday was the start of VBS at Westminster Presbyterian in Des Moines and I let the kids go every year because they absolutely love it. It is a day thing from 9-12 all week long. Ethan was bummed out because he was too old for it this year.
Ethan and I ran errands - had to go order my contacts at the store because they wouldn't just call them in for me.... bread store, bank, etc...
Picked up the kids at noon and went to the free park lunch. It was rainy so we didn't stay too long that day. We went to visit my grandpa. I can't even remember what happened monday night.

Tuesday - same thing. VBS, park lunch; it was fairly nice out that day so we stayed a little bit longer. That was the day my nephew went- We dropped him off at Ashworth pool and went home early. I let the kids watch videos in the afternoon. Tues night was the first night of my college class again. This term I am taking "God's Holy Word" and "Covenant" classes. The covenant class is awesome! I am really excited about it.

Wed - same thing. VBS, park lunch, swimming - come home & shower then Church night. Went home and passed out.

Thurs - same thing. VBS, park lunch, definitely swimming because it was so stinking hot! Ethan had karate and mom watched the kids for a couple hours while Edgey and I went on a quick date to Subway and Sam's club. He had to get food for the men's breakfast at church on Saturday. There was so much that had to be kept cold that we had to drive all the way out to the church to put it in the fridge. Got home about 11:30 and passed out again.

Friday was Jesse's 6th birthday. I woke him up for VBS and said. Happy Birthday - You are 6 years old. He looked at me and pulled the covers back up over his head and said, "Don't say that mom. It's not my real birthday." I said, "Yes, it is..."
He said, "No. We'll have my birthday when we have my party." He is so funny.
So on to VBS. I bought him a KFC kids meal for lunch. Then we had to wait for the Springer Pest guy to come spray our house for these awful fleas that were trying to take over. The joys of dogs. Then we had to leave for a couple of hours so we went shopping for Jesse because he wanted to pick out his own birthday toy. Off to Target we went for a couple of hours. I had dropped off Ethan at Holiday Water Park to swim for the day. The other two spent a lot of time looking at toys and finally Jesse found what he "always" wanted, which was a GI Joe Sigma 6 Ninja set with Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow and a DVD inside. Then he found a TShirt he wanted so we got that. Elizabeth was crying because I am so mean and wouldn't get her any toys.... since it was not her birthday. She apologized for her behavior later that evening.
Then we went and picked up Ethan & his cousin at the pool and took everybody home.
Jesse & Ethan played with Ninjas and watched the DVD and Elizabeth packed. She and Jesse spent the night with Auntie and Ethan stayed home to watch some other karate video. Edgey and I went to children's church meeting at Hoss' house. We again got home around 11:30.

So then Edgey and I both had to get up around 5 a.m. so I could go to work this weekend and Edgey went to cook the mens meeting breakfast at the church.

I hope this week is a little bit slower so it can catch up to my brain speed.
I need some time to "not think" if you know what I mean.


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