Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's been a while since I posted. My mother called last night to see what was going on because she hasn't been updated on here for a while. I just laughed. She is addicted now.
Anyway, Sat and Sun I worked very hard. It was very busy for the Memorial Weekend. I had a totally spanish speaking gal who was very difficult to care for because of the language barrier. Thank God for interpreters. I was able to say a few things thanks to the Spanish class. I have missed the last couple of classes so I'm afraid I have missed a lot.
Monday was relaxing because we slept in. Yeah! Edgey took Elizabeth out for breakfast and I hung out here with the boys. Ethan slept in too. Jesse kept wanting me to take him out and leave Ethan home to sleep, but I didn't think that would be very nice. Then Edgey did a little bit of yard work and I read the Sunday paper.
Monday night we went to Guthrie's to grill out and we played a fun game. The kids played together and Ethan watched TV.
Tuesday was the same old thing and I went through some things in the kids' rooms. It is unreal what accumulates every month or weekly for that matter. I did lots of laundry and made some healthy grain dish for dinner. Surprisingly everyone liked it, even Jesse who hates rice. Hmmmm. :) Maybe you haven't heard the rice story.....

When Edgey went to the Philippines he ate a lot of rice. That's pretty much all they eat over there. Well my children were being extremely unthankful for their food for a couple of days and I had had it. Sooooooooo, for 3 days they had nothing but rice. Rice puff cereal (I did allow milk), rice for lunch and rice for supper (I did put a little chicken in the dinner rice once in a while). That's all they got. Whaaaaa. Did they hate that! but they were sure thankful for "real" food when we were done. So, since then, Jesse hasn't eaten rice much unless he doesn't realize it's there. Poor Jesse.

We have been doing pretty good on the healthy eating plan except for some chips and candy on Monday and then McDonalds on Wednesday. We all had happy meals and I had a salad also. I did pretty good because I gave away my fries except for a couple of them.
Yes, we went to McDonalds yesterday and then to the park where they played ball and tried to teach my friend's kid how to swing by himself without having to be pushed. Our kids have a swing in the backyard so they have it figured out now. Eliz and Jesse have yet to really ride their bikes without training wheels yet because they don't have much opportunity to do it around here. They don't get out in the front of our house much. If you want to know why read earlier post Tales of the Hood.

So that catches us up to date. Today they are going to mom's to hang out and I am going to have lunch with Edgey who forgot his work phone today and needs it. Then I need to run errands and look for some hairclips. I only have 2 and need some other colors besides pink and purple. :) Then we have to start cooking tonight because we are having company tomorrow for dinner and it's an overnight process. It's our turn to host Edgey's men's group. We borrowed the fun game we played the other night and hopefully can have time to play that.


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