Monday, May 22, 2006


I had to work on Saturday and it wasn't really busy but I did have a kind-of-busy patient who was very very sick. It always amazes me as many C-sections as we see in the hospital - It is still a major surgery and can still have many complications. I had the complications this weekend. I had to do things I haven't had to do since I was on the heart floor. Yuck.

Sunday I was home on call. It was also Edgey's birthday. I didn't expect to be home so I had not really planned anything for him. Anyway, he whined around because nobody loves him and nobody remembered his birthday; even though I did buy him presents and we went out for lunch and Auntie and my friend came to eat with us. My friend watched the kids and then Edgey and I went shopping for a while. We went to look at clothes that he likes, but he didn't find anything he wanted right now. Well, I thought he would like to go to Menards and look around because he usually wants to go there and I don't, but yesterday I guess he didn't want to go there and so I got to hear about that too. I bought a bunch of flowers to plant in the front and a couple of hanging planters. He says it's supposed to be his day not mine. I guess I can't do anything right. No I did not buy a cake and surprise him at church with it. I am not quite sure what he expected but I did not meet the expectation.

Tonight I am supposed to go out with the girls from work. I have never been to Carlos O'Kelly's so I hope it is good.

I was looking on a homeschool thing today and ran across this hebrew alphabet thing and checked it out. It was really interesting. It was a description of the letters of the hebrew alphabet and what each letter means. Each letter is assigned a number and has a specific meaning. Aleph is the first letter and is assigned as numerical value as 1. It is also the "father" of the alphabet. The word Aluph means "Master" or "Lord." The way it is written looks like a tilted cross almost like an X. In hebrew (Kabbalistic) writings, the upper yod (meaning an arm) represents the hiddens aspects of YHVH (this is a name of God). The lower yod (arm) represents the revelation of YHVH to man. The Vav which means "hook" represents the connectedness between the two realms. It is also diagonal because it is humbled in the face of God's mystery and his revelation. The cool part is that it is a picture of Christ - a God-Man composed of both the upper realm of heaven and the lower realm of earth, connected by the humility of the body. That was just really neat to me to see that all spelled out. There is so much we don't understand when we don't understand the hebrew language. It really makes me want to dig in and figure it all out. If you have time, you should check out the page - there is a lot more there about the trinity and the beginning and end.....


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