Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Post Weekend Musings

I tried to get on the website earlier and it wouldn't even come up. None of the blogs would come up.

Elizabeth got up and did school early. Both boys are still sleeping. Jesse and Ethan didn't get up until after 10:30 a.m. yesterday. Then they didn't want to do school so :) daddy did it with them last night after he got home. They
"love" it when daddy does it with them because they have to do twice as much and then they are much more thankful to do it for mommy.

I was very tired yesterday, probably because the weekend seemed way too busy again. Maybe it was just draining because of certain people I had to take care of. Some people are just very difficult to take care of. You know how you can try and try to make them happy and give them everything they think they need and they are still unthankful and unhappy..... well patients do it too.
I had no energy to argue with my kids about doing school or anything for that matter. I just did laundry. That's very stable. It's always there for me and it doesn't talk back. Even though I am faithful about a load in the morning when I wake and one at night before I go to bed.... there is always a ton after the weekend. I think they all hide some around the house or something so there is a giant pile for monday. Then of course there are sunday clothes - church clothes then play clothes so that is extra.

I took Jesse on a "date" last night. We haven't been on one for a long time. He, of course, wanted to go to chinese, so that is where we went for supper. I had to go pick up my glasses. It has been almost a month and they finally came in. We went to Wally World to get a couple of things and look around. I did get him a Captain America that he had to have. Did you know Captain America is a big deal again? I also got him a new pair of sandals with the flashing lights. After we got home, I buzzed his hair like daddy's so he now has no hair. It's cute. I got almost all done and there was a big triangle of hair on the side of his head that looked like some squirrel attacked him.... he had to go look in the mirror and started laughing. It was very funny.

Aunt Annie (Edgey's sister) is supposed to come stay tonight again on her way back from Wisconsin. We didn't tell Elizabeth when just in case she doesn't get here until tomorrow. We don't want to hear her cry again.

Well, I better get busy blessing my house.


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