Nothing much new on this end. Aunt Annie came to visit on Wednesday and we discussed a lot of the wedding details and tried to figure out the order of the wedding, setup, etc.... There are just a lot of decisions to make. You know, I was so hurried with my organization, I really didn't care how the wording of the ceremony and all of that was. I just told the pastor to do what he thought was best and we had communion and did the unity candle. One of Edgey's buddies sang a song and I taped The Communion Song and The Lord's Prayer since I would have been too nervous to sing it at my own wedding. I was just really really really glad when the whole thing was OVER!!!! We were very blessed because I didn't have a whole lot of money to spend and really didn't get help with the money. Edgey was in the ministry at the time and only made $325/month. He bought my ring and a new suit. He had to borrow black dress shoes. I bought my own dress and made my own veil and did my own flowers (a lady at the church showed me how to do them) and decorations and bought Edgey's ring. My friend did typesetting and did the flier for the wedding schedule. Another lady at my church did cakes and did the wedding cake as our gift. Other friends made mints, and punch and the ladies at the church had a wonderful potluck lunch for the wedding dinner in the church hall. Edgey's boss took the pictures - he did it as a hobby. It all fit together beautifully and we had a lot of comments on how nice everything was. It was a church family effort. Another lady at the church did alterations on my dress. It still amazes me how smooth everything went and how much everyone cared for us and helped out.
I barely remember the wedding day itself... thank God for pics and videos.
Anyway, Edgey's Auntie Deb's birthday is tomorrow. We are supposed to go out to dinner with her tonight. She wants to go to Hickory Park up in Ames. I haven't been there since Edgey's last construction job in Ames. We went for lunch one time. It reminds me of the old Kinfolks (smoked meat). It's really good.

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