Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tales of the Hood - The King Returns

The little mexican man ran to his truck and tucked something under his seat. He had just received a phone call from his friend and was trying to understand what he had been told. His mind was spinning and he could not remember where he had been or what had happened during the night. It was now 9 a.m. He had to get to his girlfriends house. Why had his friend told him? He could not believe it! His own girlfriend! She was his! He drove down the street swerving to miss the obstacles but his mind was spinning in a whirlwind so badly that he hit several things and then ran into a tree. He backed the truck and then slammed the gear into drive to race down the street once again. He hit several more garbage cans dragging them along under the truck.
By this time the residents along the street had come out of their houses to see what the noise and commotion was about. They were shouting angry obscenities at him. He drove faster to reach his girlfriends house. He was driving so fast he almost passed the house. He slammed on the brakes and backed up, then tried to pull into her driveway and hit another tree. There was an exchange of words and he was yelling in Spanish into the little brown house. The girlfriend came out shouting profanity. Meanwhile many neighbors along the street were walking towards the scene. They were also shouting at him.
By this time the little man had had enough. His girlfriend was screaming at him and some other man was in the house behind the front door taunting him. The neighbors were coming after him down the street. He reached beneath his seat and pulled out the handgun. Neighbors fled away from the scene and someone called 911 for help. One woman ran down the street in her bare feet screaming, "He has a gun! He has a gun!"

Ok, so maybe it's exaggerating a bit, but this is my version of the most vivid story that happened on my street. It was 9 a.m on a monday morning cause it was garbage day. Some little mexican idiot on a drunken binge was racing down our street and kept running up on the curb. He hit at least 5 garbage cans (mind you - one for each residence) hit a bush, drug our garbage can and smashed it into our "favorite" neighbor's tree then backed up and hit 2 more cans on the way down the parking into the street. Then raced up the street to his girlfriends house. She was messing around on him (wonder why? hmmmm ) then he ran into her tree outside her house and it was just like I said. Everyone on our block was walking down the street to get him and see what was up when he pulls out this gun. They all scattered quick.
I had gone out and seen him backing up after totally smashing the can against the tree and got the cell phone and was trying to call 911. I hung up cause the neighbor lady, I actually talk with once in a while, was already calling on hers running down the sidewalk. DONT hang up. They call you back and then they are not happy campers. I apologized and while I was apologizing that is when the neighbors were running back yelling that he had a gun. I relayed the message to 911. Cops were there within a few minutes diffusing the situation. Talk about a fun morning. Thank God there were no kids playing out in the front yard at 9 a.m. That really makes me mad. What would have happened if my kids were out riding bikes on the sidewalk or rollerskating or something? Grrrrrr. Anyway, no gunshots were fired. He was arrested and the towtruck came to get the ugly little truck.
Now, that's what living in the hood is like!


Blogger Ryan Brancheau said...

Sounds like you need to move.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you let your kids go outside? :)

9:38 AM  

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