Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I Am Poisoning Myself

I don't think I got much done yesterday. My mind was willing but my flesh was weak. My mom taped an Oprah show with Dr. Oz and oh boy that was good. My daughter had seen it at my mom's so she came in and was giving me a play by play until I kicked her out of the room so I could actually pay attention to what the Dr. was saying instead of her version. I don't think I know anyone who can talk as much as my daughter.
The show was mainly about how disgusting Americans' eating habits are and the physical effect the food we eat has on our bodies. The lady on the show was 42 years old and drank about 4 six packs of diet cola daily. She didn't drink any water. Everything she ate was awful. She wouldn't get out of bed and her 9 year old son would have to get her up every day. He said he felt like he was the dad and she was the kid. She went to have a work up and they said she had the body of a 56 year old. That put her into shock. She was tired all of the time and took out the garbage cans to the end of the driveway by dragging them with her SUV. She wouldn't even walk to get the paper - she drove the SUV to get that too.
The doctors came in and took everything bad out of her pantry and fridge and she had one little side table left of food. They gave her lessons and a personal trainer. She walked 30 min/day and weight training - changed her diet to good food and water and in 90 days she lost 40+ pounds and looked 20 years younger. It really was amazing. Anyway, I was inspired.
I think for me the hardest thing is just cooking things that are good for me but that the kids like too. It is really irritating to try something and the kids won't eat it or they will be starving 2 minutes after a meal. I have been trying to have healthier things in the house but still failing in the snacks area. I thought I was doing ok with granola bars, but the dr. said they were no no's and also roasted nuts are no no's because the roasting of the nuts changes the oil into yucky oil for your body. That was something I did not know. We are supposed to have raw nuts to get the good oils.

There are 5 things to watch out for and if they are one of the first 5 ingredients on the package then its a big no:

1- Sugar
2- High fructose corn syrup (this blocks the ability of lectin which is the way your fat tells the brain you are full - so if you are eating something with corn syrup in it, you will still be hungry and eat or drink more and more and more of that)
3- partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (body doesn't understand this and cannot process it- this is what lines your arteries like spreading margarine all over inside of your blood vessels)
4- animal fat (lard)
5- enriched anything (this means they stripped everything good out and put back a little bit)

I guess the one thing that really made me think (being a nurse and all) was that the Dr. said to look at each package of food like a prescription you are going to take and check out the ingredients. If you want to feel like crap go ahead and eat the crap. If you want to feel better, you need to take some better prescriptions. We pay a penalty for eating or drinking it.... It might feel good for a little bit, but then we are going to be tired, crabby, depressed, you name it, and we will pay a penalty for consuming it. I suppose I need to compare this to any drug, alcohol, marijuana, etc... We are addicted to these foods, just like drugs.

He said Americans ignore the reality of what they are doing to themselves...because it is the norm. 67% of Americans are overweight and we are being poisoned by our food we choose to eat. Selah.

Belly fat (what we carry around our waist) is where we store stress. The belly fat mainlines the fat right to the liver and is very unhealthy and dangerous. We should not measure more than 34 inches around the waist.

We remake our bones about every decade (10 years) and a 30 year old should be able to do 45 bent leg pushups daily. Each decade after, it decreases 5 pushups.

Well, that's a lot to think about for one day. Oh, and click on the high fructose corn syrup link. It gives a great laymans explanation of the whole thing if you can ignore all the political junk on there.

Sorry, not giving up the chocolate yet. :)


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