Da da da da da da da da - Batman!

This is Jesse Boy's rendition of Batman. This is what he was doing when Teletubbies came on the TV.
The boys are still asleep. Elizabeth and I are doing her school and having coffee.
Ethan had karate last night and went swimming afterwards. We figured out yesterday after he went to my mom's that he has poison ivy. Now we are trying to get it dried up. Gross. I hate poison ivy.
The little kids were outside yesterday and they were picking leaves along the fenceline to play with whatever they were imagining so I had to go see if there was any around where they were playing. We walked the whole fenceline and I didn't see any yet. Yeah! We have had some in the past. Ethan probably got his from tramping through the creek about a block away. That's the end of that! Last time he came home from the creek, his shoes and pants were soaked. "I fell in," he says.... yeah right. You jumped in. Anyway, everytime he and his friend go down there, his friend falls in and Ethan ends up soaked. Hmmmmm. When I was little and walked along the creek we tried to stay out of the water unless we wanted to get in trouble. We walked on stones and logs and sand and everything but water.
I do remember my dad taking us for walks in creeks and rivers when we would go hiking but he was always with us and we did have shorts on or rolled up our jeans and we carried our shoes. That was always fun. We even went swimming in a creek with a little waterfall out past West Des Moines. We found a baby beaver there too. He was so cute. We went for a real long hike up the creek and when we came back, the beaver was still there and his mother was still nowhere to be seen. Dad let us take it home. We were going to give it to the zoo or something but the little neighbor kid picked him up and threw him on the ground.... poor beaver died. Dumb kid. Don't you hate it when kids are mean? He's probably one that ended up in prison at some point.
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