Monday, September 24, 2007


Well, here I am, up in the middle of the night AGAIN. I slept great for a while though. Nice to be home after this weekend. I went to the Joyce Meyer Women's Conference 2007! It was indescribable. I feel like I had heart surgery or something.
TD Jakes shared the first night we were there and it was like he was talking you into something you already knew you wanted... a better life... but in order to get that life you had to have a new heart. Not that the old one was bad, but that it was weak and not pumping the blood correctly....
Then the next couple of days was the actual surgery taking place. It was painful to see the heart you think was doing the job it was supposed to was so weak and underused. Then there were tears and tears and more tears. After that was recuperation and rehab..... to realize I have to move again and get back to work after all of this.
Probably the hardest thing for me right now is that the presence of God was so awesome it was like being on morphine the whole time.... and when you are on morphine you don't remember a whole lot about the surgery and the pain... but I don't want to forget.

So that's my summary of the conference. I'm still trying to recuperate and process the whole thing.... but I know that I feel more alive and I know my life is different now.... and the morphine hasn't quite worn off and I'm still feeling the effects.


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