Monday, July 30, 2007


This past weekend was my weekend off. We made a plan to go camping which is something Edgey has decided to get into. His grandparents used to go every year and his dad likes to go camping too. Last year for a gift after his grandmother died, his dad purchased a pop up camper for him. It was kind of a memorial gift from the money his dad had received after her passing.
Before that we had gone tent camping but I am not much into the tent thing. I have bad memories of tent camping. I have great memories of camping in a trailer however.

One of my bad tent memories is coloring all day in the pouring rain and getting yelled at not to touch the sides of the tent or it would leak. Coloring was fun but not for hours and hours.

The only bad memory I have of trailer camping is when I was sleeping in the top bunk of my grandparent's trailer and woke up and no one was around. I screamed and screamed until someone came to get me...... I was up so high I was scared to even try to get down without help.

Usually we went to my great grandma's lake house and the whole family met up there on the weekends for camping. I learned lots of important things like how to spit really far, how to fish and paddle boat, never to spit in your uncles face, even when he tells you to. I learned how to play rummy, rook and poker and how to light firecrackers that are left over when the package goes off, how not to get caught riding on the back of a motorcycle when your cousin is driving.... etc...

They always had big fish fry's and tons of cheap Shasta pop. We would go visit my great aunt and see their farm. They had a Tennessee Walker that we could ride and I learned how to kill a chicken to eat.... they run around even after you cut off their heads..... and gather eggs.

Camping now is very mellow compared to camping when I was younger. I bought Edgey a fishing license for his birthday so he got to go fishing for four hours.... he got skunked. Ethan, however, caught the only fish. A huge bass. He was excited. I will have to see if I can get a picture of him with it.

I love fishing but I haven't gone for years. The last time I went was when my grandpa still had his farm and that was over 14 years ago. He had a great pond. I would go down there all the time and fish alone. I am really the type of person that needs to have time to myself. If I can't have my alone time, I'm not much good to anybody else. I think that is one of the helpful things that motivates me to go walk every day also. I can think and pray and be alone.


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