Friday, September 14, 2007

I went to Cato's yesterday!!! All I bought were some earrings that matched the top I had on, but that was only because the shirt I was going to buy........ Some other lady bought it right out from under my nose! Oh the nerve! It was my favorite shirt too.....:( the shiny purple one with the pink, blue and coral and gold stripes....from the fashion show. Bummer. I guess I didn't need it.
Some crazy people from church went with me.... we had a lot of fun. It was my day off and I really wasn't going to go shopping. Really. Edgey got off early and we went out for a very late lunch cause I haven't seen much of him lately. I am really going to have to make a point of it to spend quality time with him in the weeks coming up. With my college classes starting up again, it makes for some time challenges.

We did a proverbs lesson with the kids the other night.
Prov 10:26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.
Since I have been doing my dietary changes, I have been drinking some raw apple cider vinegar with my meals.... (when I remember).... anyway, the stuff is soooooo nasty it is like a shot of Jack Daniels or Everclear.... if anybody remembers what that is like.....
For the lesson, I had all the kids try a tiny taste of the vinegar so they would understand the verse a little bit better. They still remember the jist of the verse very well. The story that went with it was about a little boy who kept piddling around everytime mother sent him to do something. In the end they missed out on some fun because it took too long to get work done.
Boy I remember that verse very well.... and will use it next time my kids are goofing off when they are supposed to be doing something.


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