Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Other Changes

I had to go back to see what I wrote regarding changes so far.....

Goat milk, farm eggs, organic food as much as possible, kefir, walking 2 miles per day

One of the big things is no more diet anything! No
Splenda! No Aspartame! No diet chemicals. No Atkins or man made stuff anymore. No diet soda. If I drink soda now, I drink either real pop with crappy white sugar or I get organic soda (which is on sale at HyVee right now). It has cut down on my intake of soda. If I am going by the weight watchers guidelines, it is only 3 pts a can anyhow. The diet soda's are addicting and actually cause you to gain weight. It tricks your body.... another way to get you to buy more pop from them. They don't care that we are getting fat....as long as we buy more pop. They just had it on the news the other night! Diet pop is just as bad or worse than regular pop.

I have started to drink tons more water. My mom bought a water dispenser for us. Thanks MOM!!! It comes out either hot or cold which is nice. I also bought a water filter for the sink.... it takes out the chlorine they add to the water (bad bad bad for you --- read the splenda article).
I am drinking about about 3 liters of water a day. I try for the gallon but I can't quite get there yet.

Why drink more water? Here are
10 reasons!!!! But the main reason is to help my body get rid of all the toxic stuff that has built up in it. It was difficult at the beginning because I really didn't like water. It is so boring! But, just like everyone who drinks water says, when you start doing it, and make it a good habit, your body will crave it just like exercise or God. You will miss it if you deprive yourself from it. I drink water before I have (organic) coffee now. I always drink water when I go out to eat somewhere.


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