Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Stuff

I keep wishing somebody would write on here so maybe I would feel more obliged to check the blogs every day, but the newness must have worn off..... I decided to delete some of the favorite blogs if they haven't posted since before Dec of 06. Of course, I left my kids on there in case they decide to get a wild hair and post something.

Jesse Ray turned 7 this July. He is really growing up. He loves Star Wars and his video games. He is in first grade this year and has been reading really well. I am encouraged by his progress in his school.
Elizabeth is in 2nd grade and Ethan in 7th. Wow, where does time go?
I turned 40 this year and so did Edgey. I started feeling really old.... then I decided I needed some changes in my life. I was reading a book by Jordan Rubin and he challenged me with something he said in the book. Oh, and if you don't want to feel convicted, you might as well just quit reading this post right now...

last chance....

"People who don't eat healthy are not thriving the way God wants them to. It's my strongly held belief that if Christians were healthier than the general population - and we're not, in my estimation - then our churches would be overflowing on Sunday mornings. Why? Because people would be drawn to learn more about why we are so different. I want them to think, Oh, there are a couple of Christians. Look how healthy and vibrant they are. I want what they have....... I believe people from all walks of life would break down the doors to learn more about what God says about living a long and abundant life and ultimately come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior."
His core message is derived from two scriptures. "I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." (Rom 12:1)
Are you presenting your physical body as a living sacrifice? Can you say, "This is the best I have and I'm giving it to the Lord"? Are you an example of God's best. Can others see your vitality?

The other scripture is Gen 1:26 "Let us make man in our image."
You were created in the image of God. Do you properly reflect his image?

Anyway, I was challenged.

More later


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