Monday, September 17, 2007


Very busy weekend at work.... seems like my patients were very needy. I was able to sit down a couple of times and got out on time, so I didn't have to stay late and chart. For that I was thankful.
One of my questions for God this weekend was: Why do men start looking for other women when their wives are pregnant? You would think at a vulnerable time in a woman's life, men would get a clue. Yes, maybe it makes them more moody. It disgusts me. Cheating on your wife while she is pregnant with your own child and you made her that way in the first place. The only thing I can figure, is that they are running away from the responsibility they will have and don't want to deal with it.

I was watching TBN this morning for a little bit and received a great revelation.....
They were talking about how Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and an angel was placed there with a flaming sword. I've always been told or believed that the angel was put there so they couldn't get back into the garden. The guy was talking about how the jewish people believe that God knew that man was going to be sent out into the darkness so he put the angel there with the flaming sword so it would light the way back to where his presence was. Isn't that great?
Yes we are sinners - but God's greatest desire is that we will come back to Him. And if you really look back on your life, don't you see where God has flagged you down with his light?
"You screwed up again!!! but look! I'm still here waiting for you."


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