Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Mandatory reporting class was not boring! Hallelujah! It was actually very interesting because the lady that was teaching it actually worked at DHS and had great stories and discussion. Some of it was very sad though. There were pictures of kids and babies with horrible bruising and burns, etc...

I didn't walk yet today. The kids got up at 6:50. What's up with that? So we got breakfast and did school and now they are playing the play station. Ethan, however, is still asleep. He's been having a lot of problems with his allergies and benedryl is not helping him stay awake. I am so glad he is not in public school. I can't imagine how sick he would be sometimes if he isn't able to get his rest. That is the good thing about homeschooling.... and since the other 2 are already done it will be easier to focus on him.... but he better hurry up and wake up or he will have to do his stuff at grandma's house!

I'm not sure what I am doing today. I guess we don't have worship practice tonight.
I'm not really in the mood to do anything. I don't feel like shopping but I don't feel like staying around here and cleaning or anything either. What kind of mood am I in? Well, I had leftover spaghetti for breakfast if that tells you anything. :) I know, I am wierd. And I killed it in the microwave too. What's wrong with me? Part of the problem is that I am too cold to have a smoothie. What am I going to do this winter for my breakfasts? I guess I could have hot cereal. I wish coffee was nutritious.



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