Thursday, August 02, 2007


So what's wrong with tap water? Tap water is treated with chlorine. When the chlorine combines with organic material, it can form a chemical that is a carcinogen. What's a carcinogen? A cancer causing chemical. Besides that there can also be pesticides, fertilizer and other industrial chemicals in the water. Fertilizer has nitrates in it and when they combine with organic material, they form nitrosamines which are known to be carcinogens. Pesticides kill bugs... go ahead and drink a cup of wasp spray! No thanks.

Wonder why cancer is one of the top killers in the nation? hmmmmmmmm.........

What else have I changed? No more pork or shrimp (shellfish). Leviticus 11:9-10 says we shouldn't eat things in the waters that do not have fins and scales. I do have to admit that the weekend we were camping, Edgey made polish sausage and it sounded good and before I even thought about it I had taken a bite of it. They have done some studies now that show pork and shellfish can cause chaos for your immune system. So if you continue to eat it, take note of how you feel the day after.
Whatever you do don't eat fatty meat. Animals store toxins and pesticides, etc.. in their fat. If you eat the fat, you are ingesting the toxins too. Stay away from the fat.

No more white coffee filters either..... and organic coffee. White coffee filters have been processed/bleached and contain dioxin which is a potent carcinogen. Get the ugly brown ones because they don't have dioxin. I wonder how much of that I have ingested in my lifetime.

I had fresh strawberries this morning and a smoothie made from vanilla kefir and frozen fruit and some agave syrup. It tasted sooooo good... especially after sweating from my walk.
It was very humid on the walk today. I did see a nurse I used to work with. She was running with her dog. A skinny minnie. Someday I will be able to jog. When I walk tomorrow I will have been walking for a whole month. It should be a habit by now, right? I keep trying to walk faster and faster. I have to make myself pick faster songs on the ipod so I can force myself to go faster. I did jog for at least 1 song this week. Today I jogged 2 songs. At some point I want to start making the loop twice instead of just once, but I don't feel it yet. When I started walking it took me about 45 minutes to walk the whole thing. Now it takes about 30 minutes. Yay. It may be slow progress, but at least I am moving forward. And, even though I may have only lost a 1/2 pound this week, it's still 2 sticks of butter and it's better than gaining!

Yesterday my friend came over and I gave her 2 stacks of clothes that I can't wear anymore. Most of my pants are falling off my behind. I have gone down 2 sizes. Now if I could just lose my chicken wings under my arms ........ Wonder what I have to do to get rid of those?


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