Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Went for a walk this a.m. again. I was freezing .... should have checked the temp better I guess. I was 3/4 of the way around the lake before I was getting at a decent temperature. Time to get out the sweat pants. I did have on a sweat shirt. What always amazes me is the people that wear the sweats when it is over 80 degrees. Today there were people in winter coats already, including the oriental couple. They were sitting on the bench today. The lady at one end of the bench and the man at the other.... what's up with that? No bag lady today but I did see her clear over on the SE side of Des Moines the other day while I was driving - dragging her cart around. The only thing left that is pretty is the bunch of yellow flowers along the river trail and some weeds that are flowering. I am waiting for the leaves to start turning now. The heron was along the river again. Hardly anyone was walking today. I only saw about 5 people.

The kids are finally getting up. I took Elizabeth swimming at the wellness center last night and watched her swim with my mom. I still can't find my bathing suit. I think she was totally wiped out after that. Otherwise, she would have been up early as usual. It's been so quiet this morning. Hmmmmm.

I have a class today at 1-4 at Broadlawns. Have to do my mandatory reporting class that we have to do every 5 years for my job. That was the only place I could get it done quickly... that's another long story though. I hope it is not boring. Usually its a 2 hour video. :(

We have to watch a video at church tonight too. We are starting evangelism classes from "The Way of the Master" with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort. I am kind of excited about that though. I took a couple of tests on spiritual gifts over the last two weeks and found I am pretty darn low on the evangelism scale. I think I better work on that.... not one of my gifts at this point in time. But really, is it a gift? Or is it a skill? We are all called to proclaim God's good news. Just some thoughts.


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