Tuesday, September 25, 2007

sugar sugar

I'm kind of disgusted this morning. I got up and left to go on my walk and I got 1/2 way there and it started raining. Now is when I wish I had a treadmill. Grrrr. So I stopped at the Gateway Market to get some organic milk and look around.

Then I came back home and had a smoothie and some fresh bread that I bought last night at my meeting. One of the ladies makes homemade whole wheat honey bread. Oh WOW is it ever good. I should have gotten more than just one loaf.

The meeting was on essential oils and how to use them on the family. My mom talked me into buying the business package so we can get them wholesale now. I'm sure it will save a lot of money in the long run.

I think the most interesting thing I learned was about sugar. Just plain white sugar......
It is processed 3 times. First time through it gets processed with lyme (toxic). The second time through it gets processed with CO2 (carbon dioxide = also toxic). The third time through it is processed with...get this... pork albumin which is part of pork blood. Because this is all toxic and not good for our bodies, it gets in the blood stream and the immune system is overstimulated and suppresses the immune system.... so we are more susceptible to sickness and aches and pains, etc... because our body cannot fight off pathogens (yucky germs & viruses).

I mean... I knew refined sugar was bad for you, but that really put it into perspective. The speaker is such a firm believer in no sugar that she had free bottles of agave syrup and packets of xylitol to hand out to try instead.


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