I think I was just discussing name meanings on the trip to the convention. We named our kids knowing their specific name meanings.
Ethan Curtis - Ethan means firm/strong and steadfast; Curtis means curteous.
Elizabeth Catherine - Eliz means set apart for God; Catherine means pure.
Jesse Ray - Jesse means God exists and wealthy; Ray means counselor or mighty protection and guards wisely.
Curtis Brent - Curt means curteous; Brent means steep hill or hilltop
I had to look mine up again to make sure there wasn't something I was missing...
Nope! still the same
Kim means Leader of the warriors or chief of war
Lea had several different meanings - Tired (hebrew), bringer of good news (greek) and goddess of the canoe makers (hawaiian) LOL
I have always said I am the tired leader...... wonder if God could change my name for me too?
I encourage you to look up your name.... you might be surprised at how accurate it is. :) Just ask B-