Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Post Labor Day

First of all, I must say that the new building is like a hotel, but it is non-functional for nurses. They want us to work without gloves in the bathrooms. Hello!!! Why would we need gloves in the bathroom? Because there are disgusting bodily fluids and solids that end up in the bathroom maybe? Isn't this a no brainer? No... Instead we must reach over the head of the patients' bed and ask the family member who is visiting to move out of the way so we can reach the glove box. You would think, with all the millions they spent on the new building, they would have figured out the functional part of this without compromising the "hotel look". We have to walk all the way down the hall to find a syringe that should be next to the medication drawer.

Ok, I am done with this rant.

The weekend was difficult for me, mainly because I was spending a lot of time trying to find things that we needed to work efficiently. Plus I felt overloaded because of the amount of patients that I was caring for. Sunday was better, but then I didn't have but 1 patient that I was caring for because the new way they are working things is really whacked! Sorry. I forgot I was done ranting.

My husband and children ran off and left me for the weekend. They got to take a nice little vacation to Kansas without me. They went to see Edgey's other Aunt that lives down there. So, it was just me and Amie here all weekend. She spent most of her time trying to stay out of the rain. Edgey and the kids went with Auntie in Ankeny and left on Friday afternoon to go down there. I went to dinner with my mommy at Bennigans and had some chicken strips. They are my absolute favorite. I worked on Sat & Sun then got up early on Monday so I wouldn't waste my entire day sleeping or something. I did watch a movie that I enjoyed. It was all in Hebrew so there were subtitles but it was a good movie about faith. It was called Ushpizin. As a matter of fact, I may just have to buy this one. I read the Sunday paper and also went through Elizabeth and Ethan's wardrobes to get rid of clothes that were too small and the ones I get tired of seeing all of the time.
My mom came over again on Monday afternoon and we went shopping for a little bit and then I introduced her to the Popeye's Chicken experience which wasn't the greatest that day. The lady behind the counter said something like, "I thought everyone was supposed to be going to picnics on Labor Day" if that tells you anything. It was so busy inside that we waited over 1/2 hour for chicken. Now, if I had gone through the drive through, however, it would probably have only been 10 minutes. That place was really messed up. I think mom liked the food though.

I did 4 loads of laundry today! I had it all done and they came home and piled 4 days worth of laundry in the bathroom..... So I am 1 load short of being done again. It's amazing how little I have to do when I am the only one in the house.
We did most of our school and now we are taking a break and the kids are watching Cyberspace. Then later we will work on some botany plant stuff and read some history.


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