Thursday, September 07, 2006

How Hot is Hell?

I sat down to write this a.m. and Elizabeth and Jesse both came down and started wanting things like help pouring milk and a cereal bowl, etc, etc.... So I gave up immediately and shut off the computer.
I have been trying to plan school lessons for next week. Edgey's dad may be coming either Sunday night or on Monday and they want to take the kids camping in their motor home for a few days. They miss the kids. Hmmmmm.... how aweful could that be? No kids for 2 or 3 days. I wonder how much I could get done around here?
We won't tell the kids about any of it until we see the whites of their eyes, however, because they will stay up and not be able to sleep for the rest of the week in expectancy. They take after their dad in that area. He gets excited about things and can't sleep. Me? I just can't sleep. Does that mean I'm getting old? I only sleep about 5 or 6 hours at a time and then I need to have a nap at some point. It really doesn't matter how long the nap is either. It can be a 15 minute power nap or sometimes 1/2 hour or an hour. My naptime wave comes over me around 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon, so I am sure Edgey thinks I do nothing all day because I am usually in my lazy boy when he walks in the door at night.
If I am sleeping, then the living room is a pit because the kids like to play right in front of me. Imagine that. Let's see if we can wake up mommy.... don't let her fall asleep or she might disappear into dreamland and never come back. Then who would make us dinner? It is irritating to wake up to spiderman (who feels like a bug) crawling across my feet and arms. They think it's rather funny until I turn into the same type of bear my husband is in the morning prior to his coffee. Most of the time I just mention that we will do some more school and they scatter to the farthest part of the house possible.

Furnace problems: Wednesday was a beautiful sunny day in the 70's. The kids and I were running around at the last minute, getting it together for church, and our heater kicked on. I thought maybe one of the kids had messed with the temp box in the living room so I went and turned it down to 45 degrees. Then we left the house to go to church. Edgey has been working in Newton lately so he was really running late and had me meet him with a clean shirt and deoderant at a Menards on the way to church. Church was fine and dandy and then we went to go check out another job he will be working on shortly. When we got home, the entire first floor was 97 degrees because the furnace had never turned off. Talk about hot!! I thought hell had opened a doorway in the basement. Edgey ran downstairs and flicked the off switch and we opened every window and turned on every fan possible to clear out the heat. Luckily by the time we came down this morning it was back down to about 70. Now we have to figure out why the dumb thing did that. It was Hot!!! What a waste of money that was for 5 hours of gas for nothing. Grrrrr. And you know how the first smell of the furnace is when it kicks on...cough-cough-cough-gag...

I'm sure there will be more drama later....



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