Saturday, September 16, 2006

Another crazy week. Monday, Edgey's dad was supposed to come in to town with his motor home and spend the night and take the kids camping this week. They got to town towards evening so we did get school done for the day. Then we all went to Ryan's steakhouse for supper. They spent the night in the walmart parking lot then Edgey took the kids to meet them for breakfast and they went to find a camping spot up at Saylorville.
They stayed at Saylorville Tuesday and Wednesday night with the kids. They had a lot of fun. For all you fishermen.... Ethan caught a big old catfish. Edgey said it was at least 3 or 4 lbs but they didn't have anything to weigh it. Ethan got to learn how to skin it. He was semi grossed out. It was too dark to take a picture.
Wednesday: they all showed up at the door and I was trying to get things done since there were no kids supposed to be there. Grandpa E did some laundry and borrowed my van and drove around town.... very secretively. He wouldn't tell me where they were going. So, I just worked on the house and went to church. Edgey and the kids went back up to the campsite to hang out with Grandpa E.
Thursday: I slept in till 8 something and tried to work on some more house stuff. I was trying to get all the clothes switched over to warmer fall/winter stuff. The hard part is trying to decide what summer stuff to keep out since Iowa weather is so labile. Got rid of a bunch of "too small" clothes and realized I need to get some sweatshirts for Jesse Boy. His were all too little now. He has really grown this year. I ran errands and got a couple things for children's church. Nobbies has such cool stuff.
After Edgey got home, Grandpa E. took us to the southside of town to a trailer place and ended up buying us a little pop-up camper (reason why he was so secretive) so we can take the kids camping now. We are all very excited about this. We have looked for one off and on, but now we actually have one. Whoohoo!
Thursday night they went back up to the campsite and I went to the church to have worship practice. Thursday was a good day!
Friday: the kids were back home and I had to get them back on track with school and such... mainly attitudes. They seem to think they don't have to do anything after a vacation. We went to the library to get some more books, like I don't have enough for them at home. We watched a DVD about Johann Sebastian Bach and I got a couple of books about him since we are studying Bach right now. At least during the DVD, they recognized most of the music we have listened to.
Friday night Jesse and Ethan went to spend the night with Auntie and Elizabeth stayed home so she could go to a wedding with Daddy today. One of Edgey's pastor friends is getting married.

I am at work and I actually have a break at the moment.... so I am writing this so it at least looks like I am working. I woke up this a.m. with a serious sinus headache and am on pseudoephedrine. Sometimes that stuff makes me lulu - wired and tired all at the same time.

So that was our week. Edgey signed up for classes to get his ministers licensing. I still need to get my house clean and work on my own homework for college classes. Anybody want some kids for a week?


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