Monday, February 13, 2006

What a Weekend

I am glad the weekend is over. The kids all went somewhere on Friday night since Edgey was out of town. I got up at my usual 5 a.m Saturday and went to work. Saturday it was really busy. It was the night before the full moon and that always seems to be busy. Sunday was better and more calm. I was glad, because we all needed calm after Saturday. I got fired for the first time in my life. That was interesting. I had a patient that decided I didn't "bond" well with her. To tell you the truth, I am very very glad she didn't want me anymore because the nurse that took her had to go through a lot of pain and suffering to keep her happy. The woman was nuts. Really. Like the psycho ward kind.

After I worked all day Sat. and had to stay until 9 p.m. to finish charting (normally get off at 7:30) then I had to race and pick up the kids from their respective places. I actually made good time and had them home and in bed by 10 p.m. Edgey picked up Ethan in Ankeny on his way home from ATF. He was excited. Ethan got a signed poster from KJ52 and was hopping all over the place. Edgey brought home 3 new CD's but I haven't got to listen to ANY of them yet. Somebody doesn't share well. By the time I got to sleep it was 11:30 or so and 5 a.m. comes around quick. Didn't even feel like I slept.... : ( wah. Sunday was better and I got off work on time.

I came home and watched a movie called Hockey Mom. It was ok, but nothing spectacular. Kind of like Mighty Ducks or something except it was about a single mother. Mediocre.

I went to bed and didn't wake up till this a.m. at 10:30. All the kids slept in late (till 10:30) and Ethan slept until 11:30 - They had a late weekend so they needed to catch up on their sleep. At least they are not crabby today.
Jesse did his school right away and Elizabeth ran off to watch TV. It's so funny how different they are and to see their priorities. It will be interesting to see what they will be like when they grow up and get jobs and have kids...
I am still having coffee and trying to wake up.

Someone sent me a cartoon this weekend. I think is is hilarious so I am posting it on here. It was funny because I had been thinking about this subject anyway. I keep wondering if we, as christians, would ever react the way the muslims have and demand apologies from countries for defamation or desecrating the one that we believe in.
In one sense I feel like we should stand up for what we believe and on the other I am opposed to revenge and killing people, burning buildings, etc... just my thoughts.


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