Tales of the Hood

Well, I talked about Pipsqueak, one the smaller aspects of living in the hood. But, I thought I would share with you a few tales of living here also (maybe one at a time).
Background of how we came to live here in the first place: We were living at my Mother's house in transition and had been there almost a year when Edgey decided he couldn't take it any more... I was pregnant with Elizabeth and we needed to find somewhere to live. So he went on a house hunting spree. This was his ideal place. Don't ask me why - ask him. We drove by the house too slowly and some guy (tenant) came outside and was shouting at us and shaking his fists. Edgey took me to see the inside of the house just prior to purchasing it and I cried.
The former owner rented it out to low housing tenants. The guy had huge dogs (wonder why <-- sarcastic!) and they urinated all over the carpet. Gross. They jumped on the walls and there were muddy prints all over the kitchen cabinets. The only thing nice was the built in wood shelving in the dining room and it was a mess. But, Edgey had vision. I did not because I was pregnant - Not a good time to deal with things like that. The price was right - less than $40,000 so we ended up getting it. We closed on it 2 weeks before Elizabeth was born so he had to work his butt off to get it finished so we could move in. Edgeys dad came to help and I went into labor sanding the wood floors on my hands and knees with a palm sander. Elizabeth was just a couple of weeks old when we moved in. It was much nicer and Edgey did an awesome job getting everything together. The kitchen still needed a lot of work but it was cleaned and repainted. Since the house was a 2 family dwelling there was also a kitchen and bathroom upstairs and he gutted that out and made one huge bathroom with laundry facility in it. I didn't cry anymore.
My co-worker laughs when I tell her some of the stories about living here. She says they have to be real because nobody could make up that kind of a story.... I'll tell one of Edgey's favorite's first. We were having coffee prior to Edgey leaving for work one morning and I noticed a flashing light shining through the front window blinds. I open the blinds and Hello!! What is out there? A car in the middle of the street totally on fire and the flashing lights were the fire department. The best part was that we got to watch the whole thing from a glass window, hoping the car wouldn't blow up and shatter it of course. The second best part was that Edgey didn't have to go to work for another hour or so because the car was blocking the end of our driveway and there was no way to get out to go work. He had to call in and the boss was not really believing him. Sooooo we took pictures. If you notice the tree on the right hand side - that is the tree that is in our front yard right by the driveway.
Philosophy for the day: We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads. So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! (from a garfield cartoon-but it sounds good)
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